Intergreated resort = future for bands ?


New member
I m sure everyone is now aware of the intergreated resort concept and the casino thing now

to cut a long story short. IR = entertainment .

what is entertainment without music ? i believe that through the IR project , we might get more gigging opportunities / play live music RIGHT here in singapore..

wad ya guys think ?
the music entertainment is definitely going to happen, just that if we would be ready or not. for those who have been to Disney World's Pleasure Island, hee..hee.. wouldnt it be nice to have it here in Singapore?
entertainment. Most probably meant for big shows like deep purple concert? or maybe those david cooperfield kinda shows. For local bands, unless got enough funds to rent that kinda place, i doubt will be able to perform there anyway.
erm bro :D u got the wrong idea

my point is . people come to enjoy holiday , gamble , basically u know . have fun . wad is fun / life / enjoyment without a little music ? we are talking about making music a SERIOUS career option for many of us here

anyway our beloved dear leader Minister Mentor Lee kuan Yew said that the intergreated resort is for people from a younger generation , people whos interests are in music MTV sitcoms and sports.

hint hint ? viva rock singapura !
that is why i said, "if we would be ready or not?"

there will be a lot of opportunities for work, not only musicians but also the technical crew, show designer, lighting designer, sound engineer, sound designer ...

if we are not trained, experienced or willing then we will have to relay on talents from overseas.