I'm beginning to appreciate my guitar clean tones...


New member
Been delving into funk rhythm lately, and as most funk have clean tones..I begin to just plug my guitar straight into the amp, no effects or distortion. Playing clean also make me tidy up my playing, no hiding behind walls of distortion no more... And it makes me to think more creatively rather than just turning on an effect to spice up a part. All the nuances and articulation sounds more clearer and better. How many of u have the same experience?
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm a fan on leaving my gain at 11/10 (actually its 10/10, then + 20db gain lol). A constant battle against feedback trains my dampening ha... Everytime when I stomp the footswitch from clean to overdrive I could imagine flames and pyrotechnics rising up beside me... but no outstanding discoveries with the clean channel...

Still, it is important to practise on cleans as well.
I've always been a fan of clean tones - I've mainly played acoustic, and just got my first electric, and the clean tones are just beautiful :) I've never really gotten into heavy distortion - most of the stuff I listen to has either clean tones or light distortion...
Hmm, I'm a fan of extreme gain and perfect cleans at the same time. I use cleans for atmospheric purposes, for example a clean interlude in a heavy metal song? I prefer the feel cleans give to arabic scales.

Gains? 4 gain stages, all turned to .5-1.5, a +20dB preamp (EMG A/B), subdecay blackstar (2 gain stages in one!), and an EHX metal muff!
My sentiments alike! Nowadays it's mostly clean or just with some slight gain for a little bit of break-up. Sumptuous!
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I love the clean tones by itself, the plexitone and the huge chugga chugga obtained from my pedals,

Though most songs i play require a OD ( Whether high gain or mild ), i feel practicing on a clean channel is the way to go. You cant hide anything on the clean channel.

Make a mistake thats it. Thus one has to be dead precise, one minor screw up and everyone will o_O''..

Concluding my view that practicing on a clean channel really epitomises the ' practice makes perfect' old saying.
Been delving into funk rhythm lately, and as most funk have clean tones..

Just curious... have you tried wiring your pick ups out of phase? If you have a H-H setup, doing the OoP thing can be really really helpful for funky cleans.
lets try a game, each of us will record one note, one clean note and in our own way, make that one clean note, as emotional as it can be!

post here, for the fun and see how a single note, can mean so different to us, even thou using same instrument in general.
Shred I have not tried modding any out of phase stuff, the out of phase sound sounds good for funk? why?

Pathein, we should have a "Who has a cleanest tone contest" ..hur hur hur....

Yup superpotato...Playin clean really makes me aware how sloppy my playing can be at times. =X

Vidak u r a funny guy ...the flames and pyrotechnics parts cracks me up.. =)
Now that my interest is shifting from metal to other musical styles, I really can't do without cleans. And I don't use any effects either, just cleans with a little dirt from my amplifier, and a bit of boost from my Bad Monkey overdrive.

Just love it! And check out this video. Excellent tone, excellent cover of a great song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPF-MjeG4xU&feature=related and the type of cleans I like the most! :mrgreen:
lets try a game, each of us will record one note, one clean note and in our own way, make that one clean note, as emotional as it can be!

post here, for the fun and see how a single note, can mean so different to us, even thou using same instrument in general.

OK... please start by giving example :D
heh, if havent noticed by now, that was making fun of serious geetarers in here...

in real world. BB king has already done that. We can moved on to other things in life
Shred I have not tried modding any out of phase stuff, the out of phase sound sounds good for funk? why?

Sorry for the late reply, I didn't see your response...

Well, switching to out of phase cancels out a lot of frequencies. You go from say, fat clear cleans to bass-cut, mid-cut, oink-y cleans. I find the sound change more practical and pleasing for funky playing. Of course, since there's so much cut... there will be a volume drop. For single coils, this might not work out because the output is low to begin with.

A H-H (rem that I recommended the OoP for H-H?) setup will tend to sound too fat especially if you have a 3-way toggle (think LP). Even for guitars with 5-ways, or wiring that allows for parallel/split tones, the OoP sound is still different - it oinks! (seriously).

Have a listen to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDataoffPYA&feature=related

If you run with distortion, you end up with a very trebly, thin sound that accentuates pinched harmonics A LOT. You suddenly find harmonics screaming all over the fretboard... Ron Thal discovered this and uses this to his advantage. You can find a youtube vid of him in NAMM 2009 demonstrating his signature vigier which has that OoP mode.

Just another tone tweak to add flavor. :)
yeap...big fan of clean tone here too...

adding compressor makes it sound nice too...
like the intro of the maroon 5 song "If I Never See Your Face Again".

requires lots of practice to nail it when u play in clean tone

love Nuno's clean tone when I listen to Extreme's "Take Us Alive"
pure clean tone from body wood...nothing artificial...

and yeap...agrees that depends a lot on ur amp too...
find that most fender amps have really sweet clean sound.