if u happen to be in KL this coming sunday 14th May....


New member
theres a Rock Revival gig held at Planet Hollywood KL, 14th May. project band spear-headed by Jatt Ali and Samad Lefthanded. with Lola on drums for this 1. They'll be doing lots of 70-80s old skool hard rock.

my lineup, Ministry of Rock has been invited to jam in that nite. rumour has it [ not going to confirm this] that Mus May will be itching to have a go with us, Loudness, Maiden and old skool Metallica is definitely on. the last time we did Heavy Chains with Mus, amazing - incredible vocal range. phew.

so if u happen to be in KL this coming Sunday, drop by \m/
hellmurderer said:
Aww! Too bad I'm not from Malaysia :(

neither am i dude, got a SUV rented for the trip later 8)

btw, Mus May is on! he's itching for Loudness.

Thanks FGL, contacts to be solidified there :)
rock-kapak jam at Planet Hollywood KL last nite - from right to left, Samad guitars, Mus May vox, Anis bass[MOR], Navin drums [MOR], yours truly PD on guitars [MOR]. pic was captured on a KL buddys hp cam, pardon the blurr.


we had Yantzen and Joey BPR join us too. the joint was packed out. working with Samad was a joy, ended up being double guitars for the whole show. twin axe shredfest :)
Mak DATUK!!!!! Should be there ...Arrrggggg!!!!!!

Paul, any recordings to share wif us here?
Wat songs did u guys played dat nite?

What happened to ur old drummer Hakim of Tri-ryche fame?
what was supposed to be a jam, Samad n Jatt wanted me to double up guitar roles the whole nite. the project band from right to left, Samad guitar, Jatt Ali vox, Nan keyboards, Lola Xpdc drums, Unos Bass, Paul Danial guitar.


Yantzen Rusty, Joey BPR and Mus May joining us, great stuff.

Union said:
Mak DATUK!!!!! Should be there ...Arrrggggg!!!!!!

Paul, any recordings to share wif us here?
Wat songs did u guys played dat nite?

What happened to ur old drummer Hakim of Tri-ryche fame?

if i get the vid-shoot, i'll try uploading some clips. wont be so soon though.

As for Hakim, he has moved on, being a fulltime pro was always beyond his level of commitment.

@Royhan - yup Samad still is using that axe. a rare handmade 94/95 edition PRS. sweet.