Ibanez: S520 vs S470

Which one do you prefer?

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S520 (List: $1,800)

S470 (List: $1,100)

Ibanez S520 vs S470

Hi everyone, this is a special request by the countless Ibanez devotees who e-mail/ PMed me pertaining to the guitars mentioned above. Is one better than the other? Which is a more worthy investment? I’m not one to scrutinize a guitar & diminish its offerings in preference of another. When it comes to these 2 siblings, here’s what you should consider before parting with that hard-earned cash:

Primary concern: Pickups
Do note that both guitars feature identical humbuckers as default units; the S520 sports covered INF1/ INF2 humbuckers while the S470’s are uncovered units, the latter guitar also features a middle single coil.

Despite the simple, pickup cover inclusion, countless auditions reveal a different voicing between the guitars. The S520’s upper frequencies display a trimmed response, undoubtedly due to the cover’s presence. Yes, the mere cover plays a part in tone generation but to the newbies out there, this discrimination isn’t easily audible. The S470 on the other hand has a brighter response both clean & driven.

The other consideration, still pertaining to pickups, is the inclusion of a middle single coil. Do you fancy a single coil tone in yours? If you do, the S470 would be a better tool. You’d highlight the S520’s ability to produce a single coil voicing due to its inclusion of a split humbucker configuration (position 4 of the PU switch) but bear in mind that the split setting is an activation of 2 split units simultaneously; therefore an isolated single coil tone in the S520 is effectively absent. This would mean that the S470 would gain an upper hand in churning out a more expansive single coil sound simply because it features one in it. This pickup can be activated in isolation (position 3) or in conjunction with the split humbucking neck/ bridge pickups (positions 2 & 4 respectively)- expect more Strat like qualities here.

The S520 features a satin finished body (very thin, low gloss lacquer)while the S470 has a typical high gloss final overcoat. The differences here would appeal to the individual’s preference accordingly. There is a prejudiced view when it comes to the former finish type; uninitiated individuals would warn their equally ignorant buddies of the terrible fragility when it comes to all things satin (Fender’s Highway 1 guitars are foremost victims). This is a valid concern but on matters pertaining to fragility, the ultimate culprit would be the players themselves. In view of the cost reduction satin finishes would have in the final production expenditure, we are still baffled by the higher asking price of the S520 (a good $700 difference here, an amount that would afford you a very decent amp…) hence when it comes to value for money considerations, the S470 is the sensible preference.

Does the satin finish contribute to tone in any way? Yes it does. A luthier would tell you that a thin body finish would contribute to a more balanced, 'breatheable' accoustics but bear in mind that for a pickup equipped, solid body guitar, the electronics play a major account in terms of tone. Finish & wood types (weight factors included) are effective enhancements. While the world continues to revere the captivating tone of Stevie Ray’s stripped down Strat, some polarized camps still diminishes the satin finish of. Double standards? Something to ponder over cofee…

Final comments
It all boils down to the individual’s preference, really. In any case, both guitars are superb in terms of production standards. Do try them out before deciding. Buyers would be more wary of the cosmetic differences than tone in general (520’s cat scracth fretboard markers vs 470’s full neck ‘M’ markings would be a real headache…). This reviewer would caution potential buyers to consider the price differences & assess their needs (tone-wise) accordingly. There are virtually no playability differences here as both guitars feature identical neck & fret profiles. Interstingly, the S470 comes in a quilted maple top version at no extra charges; decisions, decisions…

**PS: Help me with the quick poll- thanks in advance! 8)
well, i voted for "other s series options" cuz i'd like the S470 but not the black 1... i'd grab the quilted maple version imediately if i had the chance!

freakin beatiful... wtih a middle single coil! haha

btw, both guitars are made in the same place? (i assume korea)
subversion said:
the SA models are there to appease a different camp 8)

Agreed... SA series are for people like me who cant/hate/wont use a floating bridge!!!

PS- just got myself a Vox DA5 and yeah!!! it rocks!!!!!
yeah.. SA rules to me... though i really really hope that Ibanez would release a maple fretboard SA guitar... and in different pickup config too. :eek:
indeed, there was an SA Prestige with maple fretboard released 2006 but it's regional exclusive, hence its absence here.

One problem of the S520ex guitar is that the whammy bar can't be taken off, so it cant fit into a hardcase or most types of guitar bags without having the bar depressed.

Unless someone here knows how to? If so , kindly enlighten me please.
well it can be taken off coz i am using a ZR trem. Juz loosen da nut at da whammy n turn da whammy bar. It will raise up n den out it goes.