How to Go about teaching bass


New member
Hey guys. I'm a pioneering member of a club at PJC(pun) which aims to provide a launching pad for aspiring musicians to appreciate different forms of music, learn a musical instrument and also to provide oppurtunities for them to showcase their talents.

2 issues. There will be no funding for the first year. And we can't expect everyone to have an instrument.

So ITT, we discuss how to go about teaching bass to completely new beginners and how to make the club a success.

I really sincerely appreciate any input by you nice people. +8 cookies for anybody reading this. :)
I teach bass myself. The bass way to start is to give them a basic information the instrument, the role of the bass and what it does.

Sometimes people take it up because it looks interested but doesn't really know the function of the bass player in a band.

At the end of the day, unless you are training that guy up to be some victor wooten solo bassist you have to teach him/her to play in a band context, if not everything he/she learns will be useless if he/she doesn't put it into practice.

Start of with a basic understanding of the bass first, after which drill them in technique and music theory.

TECHNIQUE is important due to the nature of the bass and how it's played. Proper RIGHT and LEFT hand technique will pave the way for a much smoother and accelerated learning pace among the students as their foundation will be grounded.

I always drill my students in finger exercises, i believe in them.

There are actually alot of ways to go about doing this but a proper process will help them get more and more interested in the instrument and whet their appetite to find out more.

You don't to tell a hungry person that he needs to eat, he'll naturally find food himself. =)