How Good Is "Good Enough"?


New member
Hey guys, I've been wondering if my skills are good enough for me to "advertise" myself.


how good is good enough?

can u play in time? do u have feel? do u listen closely to the other musicians when u play instead of urself? can u get along with other musicians of other instruments?

if its yes for all, most likely u are. and if ur not gd enough do it anyway
ahha.. post a video of you playing. we will try to be nice with our 'critics'. ;)
this is my take, here it goes:

i usually consider good musicians (drummers) as having developed the following 3 things:

- consistency
- tone
- touches

while not strictly in order, a drummer ought to be able to play consistently firstly. This means being able to play fundamental notations and beat structures, playing in time and having control over volume, before developing his/her own sound (tone) and touches.

at the same time, those aspiring to be teachers should be aware of teaching qualities:

- communication skills, ability to break down something to be taught
- commitment to continually seek knowledge in domain of teaching
- sense of responsibility
- empathy, or EQ
- listening skills
- ability to encourage, mentor, inspire

for those aspiring to conduct workshops for one-to-many, useful to develop presenter skills such as public speaking.

from the above, i would say, once you have at least the requisite 'consistency', and you would like to share this, and you believe you can share this to others who have yet to achieve it, its pretty much a personal choice whether to advertise yourself as a teacher. I would say "go for it, dare to dream!" but keep an open mind and be open to feedback always.

if you're advertising yourself as a player, having some development in all 3 musician qualities would be good, but it really depends what sort of opportunities you're looking at.

If you wish to join in a band and get playing experience, no harm advertising and get peers at a similar path as you to grow together.

"How Good Is Good Enough" - is very individualistic. It depends on where one wants to be. For me - Most importantly I must be able to keep good time, be able to work/gel well with my Band Members (personally & musically) for now....but I'm far from being good enough.

I've yet to develop good Dynamics and Musicality in my Drumming (though I play much better than before as today I can trade some 4 or 8 but the difference is - - I'm still not being able to speak - musically through my drumming as a language)...I cannot express myself through my drumming.

I guess to most Professional Drummer - they probably think that they are never good enough, and they have a dying thirst to be better & better (Tama Goh is one drummer that told me that recently - myself & Alfie was seeing him play at the Regent Hotel last night too).

I guess the answer to "How Good Is Good Enough" is like a "Stairway To Heaven" lah ...Imagine all the different Steps we have to take on the way up just like Stages in Life & Drumming too - - - There is always some new things to learn and adopt and improve.

PS:- A Drummer once said - Drumming is Easy To Play but Difficult To Master ..... to be honest I still do not really clearly understand what is mean't by that .... What is Mastering Drumming ? To be able to do everything PERFECTLY?. Perfect Timming, Perfect Dynamics, Perfect Strokes, Perfect Groove - Perfect What Somemore ????????? Foot !

To Drive Ourself - My opinion is that we have to think & believe and motivate ourself that " We Are Not Good Enough ", cause if we think we are Good Enough would probably dampen our drive at this certain point in time towards drumming for betterment.

BUT FOR NOW - We Are All Good Enough In Our Current Area Of Drumming ...right?

PS: - Bro shaneypants - do join us in our Soft Drum Exchange and share. One way to advertise oneself is to join "Singapore DrumFest - Drum Challenge" I guess. through Soft here and Soft's Drum Xchange Singapore for Drummers...

Cheers !
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Only one thing to say, Practise makes almost perfect ha! And its very true . U cant just get ur left hand to be as choppy as ur right hand over nigght so practise my friend! aha
btw.. jus a question to ask here.. when ppl asks of u to do a vid of u drumming.. wad u guys usually do?? rudiments? songs? freestyle?
*GASP* timing...

yea timing is important. good enough? well...... be able to play consistently is good enough i think?

Each drummer is distinct only if they have their own personality.
Simplicity is possible with a great personality on the drumset.

Loosen up, and enjoy your drumming. It's suppose to be fun, not competitive!
I think 'how' you play is more important than 'what' you play. Better to play simple and steady, than to play a lot of fancy fills and licks, but not being able to execute it cleanly, consistently and in time. It just ends up like a whole mess of noise.
My Drum School brought up a very good point.

I think you should express *yourself* in your video, and not come across as another "drum-monstrator" ( lol...)

In addition, I think it would be good to practice filming yourself, and also look at some videos to see how some video presenters do their job well.

If you do a search on youtube, you will find no lack of videos showing rudiment, flam fills, paradiddles, songo grooves etc.

I thought the ones that stood out were the guys who could engage ie. they made eye-contact with the video, addressed the virtual audience properly, and maintained some sort of main agenda/topic.

First.. It depends who's judging you. If you play infront of noobs then of course they will say you sound pro!

Yeah so it depends who is judging you. LOL.
First.. It depends who's judging you. If you play infront of noobs then of course they will say you sound pro!

Yeah so it depends who is judging you. LOL.

totally agree, people who just sing your praises sure makes you feel happy, but i think it actually hinders your growth, as you feel no desire to improve.

not that i'm some kind of machochist that loves to be abused. heh heh