home recording for drums


New member
hi i have a lil drum set at home (sis' one) and i wonder if can record it into computer like guitars...
You will be better off to edit & sequence with sampled drum sounds, in terms of sound quality.

It will be very difficult to get a good sound recorded, even in a recording studio from an acoustic drumset. Many of them also practise using sequencer, to get a clean nice sound.
just record lah, use a mic and and hit Record.

Since you're not using those top grade studio drum/cymbals anyway.
I dont think quality is not your main concern. Just do it the way people last time use to do it...

Aim the Mic and try to positionn it at the spot that can get the best overall sound possible and hit record. haha Seriously..
Try placing the mic behind the drummer, it tends to pick up better (according to my own experience). Anyway, tune up all the toms so they cut better, in such cases, DO NOT MUFFLE THEM, let them ring. And as for the snare, simply try playing your backbeats with rim shots, that should do the job.
erm, if you're intending to just use one mic to record an entire kit, then wired is right - place the mic behind the player.

but muffle the toms. and avoid rimshots. they both give off too much resonance, and will almost definitely kill the overall sound balance of the kit(not that there's balance in the first place, with just one mic).
Actually I disagree. If you muffle the toms, you'll end up killing ANY resonance or tone the drums have, that way, it's just as good as hitting cardboard boxes. And like you've mentioned, the balance. The mic will definitely not pick up the muffled drums.

Unless you're talking about micing each drum individually or as a pair, in such close micing situations, yes, muffle them.

Otherwise, just let everything ring out. I think what you're looking for, turbochicken, are thick heads like pinstripes, those should give a nice balance of cut and 'deadness'.

I could be wrong though, as I'm speaking from my own personal experience. Just experiment with various stuff.
shut the doors and windows, use the air-con. keep the sound in the room, for the recording and good public relations among your neighbours.
home recording

This is very interesting. One Mic to record the whole kit. I would suggest at least 3. One over head, one snare and one bass drum. But yes, if your room is very live, use the pinstripe by Remo. Fast decay.
if any of you have heard san's recordings of hallowed be thy name,
go to open mic and check it out,
i just used 1 mic for the whole recording.
on my table.

drums were abt 2 steps away from the table.
i good mic is very essential.
please ensure its quiet when you record.
no fan blowing and stuff.

give it a try.
these kinda stuff,
we cant say for sure.
different sets and different environments have different recording possibilities.
give it a try and gauge for urself.
