Hey guys...

Enjoyed your original piece and guitar melody went well with the tune as well.

Keep jamming!

Hey Shahran,

Thanks bro... I play randomly depending on the thoughts in my head. So it's usually random and unplanned. I make more blunders when it's planned. Anyway for now, will try and improve the quality of the recordings. shall keep the laptop close by and on standby to do more recordings.. cant always rely on my phone to record it.. Ha ha ha... Anyway checked out your metal stuff on your soundcloud... You're good...
Thank you for dropping by my Soundcloud page dude.
Believe me, despite having picked up the guitar since teenager, I only started getting interested to learn modes and scales just recently.
Nevertheless, your kind compliments are very much appreciated. :)
If you like, I can share some links that I have discovered that have been great help for me.

What are your listening favourites nowadays? It would be nice to know what inspires your earbud.


Hey bro... I seriously have no idea what to listen to. I listen to everything actually. But due to time constraints, I don't deny I have little time to listen to music. Let's say I listen to mainstream stuff on radio... Class 95... I do have to listen to some of my friends' taste in music to help adapt their guitars to suit their playing styles... Besides that... I am improvising old songs in my head and turning them into weird re-creations...