Help On TimbreSR200


New member
Okay guys since some of the members of this forums has helped my 'begginer' thread.

its time to get down to buisness

okay guitar package would be the timbre sr200.i love strat copies and i was wondering if i could get some route point to go to woodlands..

or you guys can tell me how to purchase using cash...i want the guitar its only like 320 bucks and i would love it.but if i go to woodlands and go to the shop directly...i scared it would cost much mch the epiphone les paul being overpriced at swee lee while having discounts should i go for online payment or woodlands...please tell me some advices.

and tell me extra things i need to know about the package,price and guitar
Firstly, i can assure you that the price you see online is the price you get in the shop. So if it's convenient, just go to the shop and get it, since if you buy online you have to pay an additional fee for mailing and all that.

From Woodlands Regional Interchange, board either 911 or 913 (be sure that the board at the bus queue says "Towards Woodlands Checkpoint") Alight after it passes by the checkpoint, at the bus-stop which the bus would display as "Opp Blk 1A". Walk further up from the bus-stop, look across the road and you should be able to see Standard Value, right beside POSB.

I've tried the Timbre Strats there before, and the overall feel is pretty good! But as usual, try it yourself to believe :p
1) you do not have to open a new thread
2) going to the shop directly wouldnt hike up the prices.
3) you would want to ask further details from mike in standard value.
if you're a beginner, get the package. at least most of the things you need are there. ie tuners, amp, etc.

what's wrong with the guy above me? woke up on the wrong side of the bed?
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if you're a beginner, get the package. at least most of the things you need are there. ie tuners, amp, etc.

what's wrong with the guy above me? woke up on the wrong side of the bed?

His " Begginer" thread is already on recommendations and he could have just posted his enquiries over there with those who have recommended him the package.

And the fact that i told the thread starter to ask mike was just because obviously he has experience with the package to share right, such as pros and cons.

Do you think another thread is needed for every other question?

It was just all summarised point form. Whats wrong with you?
Don't worry,the price on Standard Value's website is the store's price.Would recommend you to head down the shop instead to try out the guitar and perhaps the other guitars there too.
Yup. Best to try before you buy. There's also the Smash by Swing strat copies, so you might want to try both the Smash and Timbre before deciding.
+1 for the SMASH...

The humbucker also makes it more versatile. Not only can you get thin, bright twangy tones, you can get thick, fat, warm tones as well.
The SR200 is good, but seriously, you should really try the Smash Lite Ash.:) That one feels alot more expensive than it is and it just costs a little more than the timbre.
His " Begginer" thread is already on recommendations and he could have just posted his enquiries over there with those who have recommended him the package.

And the fact that i told the thread starter to ask mike was just because obviously he has experience with the package to share right, such as pros and cons.

Do you think another thread is needed for every other question?

It was just all summarised point form. Whats wrong with you?

The guy's asking for our opinion as a player and a consumer. Isn't it one of the reason why forums exist?
He might have called Mike but is there something wrong if he seeks more information from his peers?

I felt you are scolding the guy for posting this thread. I apologise if I get it wrong.

Well back to the topic... I'm also tempted to try out Timbre (the alder version). It seems that the build quality is above average.
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Haha. The TS seems to have disappeared. But I agree, the Timbre SR200's awesome. It feels great, the only reason I didn't buy it was because it didn't have a humbucker at the bridge position. Alder body! Not agathis like you'd expect with a Squier of slightly higher cost.