Help -> 2x condenser mics for choir (~$500)


New member
Hi all,
im a newbie at mics, and need help with getting condenser mics for picking a choir (12-15 pple) live onstage, and perhaps flexible enough to use for instruments if needed.
currently using 3x Shure SM58s and they sound so im thinking of getting condensers like 2x Shure PG81 or AKG Perception 150.
i only know these 2 mics cuz i went to a few shops and thats what they recommended me for a budget of ~$500. of course, i've read online that SM81s are pretty good, but kinda too $$$.
any guru can recommend mics suitable for my use and budget?

thanks in advance :cool:
Condenser Mics

I know your budget limitations for a condenser mic. I would suggest that you make a collection to try to collect another S$500 or more and buy the SM81 mics and 2 good mic stands.

The purpose of a choir is to have them heard as natural as they sing. No point getting those that will sound muted or loud. The SM81s has been in used by my choir for the past 7 years or so and I think they are good investments.

Remember the human voice is really difficult to eq unlike an instrument. So get good mics and don't regret, they will be the only mics you will use for the next decade or more since unlikely anyone will adjust or touch them frequently.

All the best
God Bless
Rode NT5

I've been using Rode NT5 for years for my church choir, and since last year using 2x Rode NT4, cause the choir gets bigger.

I'm satisfied with NT5 sounds for choir, and it costs less than SGD 500.- for a pair of NT5.

You may give it a try, it sounds better to me and my friends than some of more expensive 'well known' brands and models, for anything under sgd 1k for 1 pair of condenser mics.

Fyi, I bought it at Sim Lim Square.
Would second the Rode NT5. I own a pair and have used it on many live sound applications - choir, drum overheads, acoustic instruments. Imho they are probably the best under $500 mics. They have good construction and also decent full range sound.
Alternative is that you can consider AKG 535 - they are vocal handheld condensers but i've also used them on choir to great results. There is a pair on sale on buy and sell section.
