heel down drummers?

Heel down...heel up...what does it matter as long as it gets the job done. Both techniques have their pros and cons and both are used either exclusively or alternately by drummers.

Jazz/bebop drummers play heel down a lot when they have to "feather" the bass but switch to heels up when they need a bit of power or speed. When playing in a soft volume situation, the heel up option may be difficult to control, volume wise.

So there is no fixed and fast rule. Use what works for you...do not copy others blindly.
i see,for me i play metal with heel downs,but it gets the job done somehow easier than heel up.

How do you know you are really getting the job done ?

Of course it is not wrong to play heels down if that is what you do better. After all, the heels up technique requires a mastery of the sliding technique to achieve speed with the power. Beginners find it easier to play heels down because they have not mastered the heels up techniques.

But if you play metal, you will find that playing heels down will make it more difficult to get your speed and power at the same time...and at some point you may have to consider switching over.
i kind of can play those beats with rhythm and stuff like the lamb of god ruin fill..
i consider switching over last time when my heel down playings still sucks.but i prefer heel down because my front part of my leg is way stronger then my calves and i get more control and saves more strength..but i know its not as loud compared to heel up but its loud enough to balanced with the volume of rest of the drums ..
you know sometimes a the double pedal-ing part of the song don't last very long. so being able to play certain songs might not be a good guage.

you know you can play it when you're able to go consistantly at like 180bpm for a good 5 mins.

especially when it involves speed, the heel down technique kinda has a disadvantage. but having said that, it it works for you, it works for you :D
okay now we're rocking :twisted: i can't play heel down for nuts.

and even with heel up, i can't do 200, so kudos to you!