Guyatone: Over Drive OD2



Guyatone OD2 Over Drive
List: $99

Guyatone is the guitar effects producer of Tokyo Sound Co. Ltd., which hails from Japan. The OD2 featured here is a member of the Micro Effects series, the dimensions of which easily fits in the palm of the average player. This series of guitar effects have simple layouts & effective delivery.

Build/ features
This orange ditty here, as the name suggests, is a restrained overdrive unit much in the vein of Ibanez’s Tubescreamer (TS9). The manufacturer promises simplicity as manifested by the OD2; a pair of black, plastic Level/ Drive knobs, an out-of-the-way red LED plus a button-type metal foot switch which is ardently called an ‘electronic silent switch’. Unlike other pedals which feature such an engagement contraption, the Guyatone version is devoid of that abrupt ‘click’ noise so the vital confirmation of the effect’s status lies with the red LED. The input & output access are relegated to the top width, considering the dwarfed nature of this pedal, the layout here serves to be clutter free.

In relation to its size, the OD2 proves to be lightweight but the steel chassis here hints at durability. A quick inspection of the base reveals an absence of a battery hatch; there are no screws here either so how does one insert one’s battery? Note the black rubber base surround- this doubles as a base-plate fastener, remove this & off comes the baseplate revealing the pedal’s innards (see pic).

All in all, the unique fastening feature here is a novelty but it works well despite being a little cumbersome.

Rating: 90%

Coming back to the Tubescreamer association, it seems that Guyatone has made it a critical cause to rival that green meanie. The manufacturer goes as far as to include a rival chip for tonal assurances; introducing the JRC 9449G IC. Unlike Ibanez’s TS808 voicing, the aforementioned chip isn’t responsible for a carbon copy of a vintage Tubescreamer livery; the OD2 has a similar raspy but very inviting midrange with added bass. Again, the manufacturer has ensured a very TS-like vibe in tone, especially the creamy treble response so players new to the pedal would immediately identify with that oh, so familiar mild drive. The Guyatone chaps have decided to make this a permanent feature in their OD2 so it becomes an unadjustable preset in the circuitry, hence the elimination of a tone control knob- so you thought it was a careless omission? Not quite…

In solitary use, the pedal pairs up well with single coil pickups through the amp’s clean channel. Jazzers in need of a civic drive unit for their boosted clean comping need not look elsewhere too- the OD2 has lots of chemistry with semi/ hollow body electrics.

In an attempt to level the playing field, this reviewer has made it a point to employ the OD2 as a drive type booster & the pedal doesn’t disappoint. As an amp’s dirty channel pusher, the OD2 is perhaps the deserving counterpart of the fabled Tubescreamer. As promised by the manufacturer, at high volume (amp) levels, there is this much welcomed fatness which is absent from the TS incarnations. As an all-out high gain injector, the OD2 is also more rewarding for those who are into bottom end chugging but not exclusively. If you are a proponent of single note clarity at such intense drive settings, the OD2 promises a non-compressed delivery- a thoroughly enjoyable implement to say the least.

Tone test equipment:
Amps: Ibanez ValBee/ Peavey XXL/ VOX DA5/ Marshall MS-2 Mini Stack

Guitars: ESP Eclipse II/ Ibanez Artcore TM2/ Schecter 006 Deluxe/ Ibanez RGR321/ Gibson LP Std/ Edwards ELP-85SD/P

Pedals: EHX Nano Metal Muff/ Little Big Muff/ Carl Martin Crush Zone

Rating: 95%

Well, here it goes: Tubscreamer, meet your justified competitor! The OD2 would please those hunting for a Tubescreamer variant which isn’t too deviating from that hallowed mild drive. Those of us who can’t really discern slight voicing differences between the TS & this OD2 would deem this review a little too overblown. However, to the initiated ears, the OD2 is indeed a true Tubescreamer adversary waiting to be discovered. Considering that it’s a product of a relatively unknown effects manufacturer (to the majority of us), the OD2 isn’t about to fly off the dealer’s shelves any time soon. It takes a little swallowing of one’s pride to actually acknowledge this orange brilliance, especially at the list price it’s going for (about 2.5X less expensive than the TS808). On the contrary, the Tubescreamer cult followers would simply consider this as an extremely good alternative, a comprehensive replacement it is not.

Overall rating: 90% (highly recommended)

• Price
• Tone
• Runs well on battery
• Ease of use

• Lightweight (tugged easily)
• Cumbersome rubber fastener

Worthy competitors:
• Ibanez TS808
• Digitech Bad Monkey
• CMATMods Tube Slammer
• Behringer Vintage Tube Overdrive TO800
• Carl Martin Crunch Drive
here's how the OD2 looks like with the fastener off:


**PS: Thanks BEEZ for letting me try stuff on your first day at work!!
Also: My thanks to David (Ebenex) for the discounts...
Thanks to subversion for such a great review!

I apologise for not being able to chat with you the other day. We should catch up sometime soon.

It is quieter before 3pm and you may wish to swing by to try out some new effects.

I've got the Red Witch, Homebrew, Peterson pedals coming within the next 2-3 weeks. Not to mention, Pedaltrain too!

Anyway, for those of you guys interested in the Guyatone, Ebenex Music is the official distributor for Guyatone in Singapore.

$99 for the OD-2 is actually a promo price. It is retailing for US$68 online.

The price will be only for remaining stock. We have 3 pieces left. Come grab!
no worries sir- there will always be another opportunity to chat 8)

having promo prices for selected products is a good way to keep other dealers on the edge. i certainly hope you'll keep up the promo offerings from time to time.

**special request: if you can let Beez ground all the test amps in store, it'd be fantastic because, while demonstrating some pedals to your customers the other day, the earth-related buzzing kinda ticked them off but i told them the fault isn't from the pedals...

**i'm also looking forward to a sponsored ebenex thread here, this way, users can have a more focused discussion, right now, ebenex-related discussions are everywhere... :smt115
Heh. I gushed about this some time back... but you know, people want the Boss branding lah. Or Ibanez branding.

+1 to this little pedal!
24th is off limits for me- work commitments. i might have gotten a new amp by then so my pedals would hybernate until further reverie... :smt109
subversion, thanks for the suggestions.

i'll speak to james about having a sponsored thread.

thanks alot to everyone who has been supporting us!

i'll run promotions on selected items montly.

the next promotion should be for small clone and small stone pedals. we hope to push more ehx stuff in the local market.

p.s. we are bringing in Krank pedals - distortus maximus i think it is - ETA - early May !
early May is good timing- by then, our NSS shares are already in our accounts... :smt002

mr. ebenex sir, is there an e-mail to reach you should we have (confirmed) special orders for your attention?
Guyatone OD-2

You can get it from Ebenex Music.

We are located at 50 East Coast Road, #03-17, Roxy Square 2 Shopping Centre. It is right next to Roxy Mercure Hotel along Marine Parade Road and it is alot easier to come through the Marine Parade Road overhead bridge (it links straight to the shopping centre)

Operating hours are 11-8pm, Mon to Sat. Tel: 6345 2053 .

Yo subversion.. Is the pedal good for boosting sound? Example like playing solo with the distortion on.. 8)
it's definitely a better drive booster than a stand alone pedal; i'm using it as a booster for my other pedals/ amps' drive channel.

in this light, you need to hear how it performs with your pedal/ amp (if it's within your means). some would deem its boost contribution to be marginal, like how the TS9 is often confused to be a 'hot' unit.
I don't like it used for boosting. The bass cut effect is unbearable to me... its like suddenly your tone becomes really really tight - totally unnatural.