Guitar set-up thread


New member
Took this guitar in for a set-up and full body clean up.. Going to restring this with 11s, so its going to be a pretty rocking strat!

Would appreciate any comments, suggestions and ultimately, good clean and fun discussion on the topic..


This is the start.. Can't see much detail from the pic, but pickguard was dusty and fretboard had a lot of muck and dirt on it AND definitely needed LEMON oil treatment!

I removed the strings

and started by cleaning away as much dirt as possible from the fretboard.. Some of them were really set in on the fretboard..

The frets definitely needed some serious cleaning too!!!!

A close up of the fretboard that is quite dry and also the frets which needed some polishing..
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Needed to tape up the fretboard first, then get down to polishing the frets... After about 15 minutes and 22 frets.... The lower frets had quite a lot of divots from string use.. But still usuable... This is why i recommend Stainless Steel frets on guitars.. And most of the guitars I order will have SS frets!

With the tape still on, had to clean off the rust on the frets.. This was one of the hardest parts of the clean up...

I went all out on the lemon oil after removing the tape... This neck needs to be FED!!

While waiting for the lemon oil to seep in, I looked at the saddle screws.. And they were corroded... At this point, you would need to change the saddles... Have to ask the owner about it..

I left the lemon oil for about 20 mins.. and cleaned off whatever excess was left.. Ta da! It Shines!!

That's it for now...
Good stuff bro.
More threads like these should surface

Bro, 20 mins of lemon oil treatment?
A bit too long to leave it on?

I usually leave mine for no longer than 10 mins in fears of softening the fretboard.
Good stuff bro.
More threads like these should surface

Bro, 20 mins of lemon oil treatment?
A bit too long to leave it on?

I usually leave mine for no longer than 10 mins in fears of softening the fretboard.


i normally don't leave the oil on for an "extended" period of time...
but this fb looked pretty dry and 'dead'...

its kinda like how you charge your hp for 8hours the first time you use it! hehe ;p

- - - Updated - - -

Sam, maybe next time
try the GHS Gorgomyte cleaner. I read some good things about it.

worth checking out!

if you think you need to leave the re-conditioning fluid for much longer for a good seepage into the wood, use a non-lemon oil formula. i'm using the wood conditioning fluid depicted above, on some instances, i leave the fluid to seep through overnight. this is of course for very dry circumstances.
THanks for the recommendation bro Sub! Will look at that too!
Where are they Available?


if you think you need to leave the re-conditioning fluid for much longer for a good seepage into the wood, use a non-lemon oil formula. i'm using the wood conditioning fluid depicted above, on some instances, i leave the fluid to seep through overnight. this is of course for very dry circumstances.
For me, Dr Duck's Ax Wax & String Lube works wonder for all parts of the guitar. Its made of organic oils, but i don't think there's lemon oil in it.
THanks for the recommendation bro Sub! Will look at that too!
Where are they Available?

I bought it at the hardware store @ Woodlands, I believe it's the Self-fix store. some friends had difficulty finding this product, i recommended them this alternative (which i am using as well):


it's available at IKEA, more economical. i've since stopped using lemon oil or its derivatives, especially when it's manufactured by guitar-related companies. i believe the strictly-for-wood products are more industrious in its effectiveness.
i've since stopped using lemon oil or its derivatives, especially when it's manufactured by guitar-related companies. i believe the strictly-for-wood products are more industrious in its effectiveness.

i've never really thought of this before.. but it kinda makes sense.
Pt. 2

Most of the screws have corroded, so eventually, a saddle change would be needed...


what I did currently was just lower the saddle of the high e string a little to get a slightly snappier tone on the e string with it being nearer to the pup...

adjusted the pups height a little to get the desired tone.. and its pretty much there for a simple set up..