GS-6, L-2T2S for instrument? (unbalanced)


New member

Generally, the most common and acclaimed instrument cable is GS-6
but i've seen some people use L-2T2S (meant for balanced signal use, ie mics)
and solder both the twisted pair (blue and white) together onto a mono sleeve (unbalanced)

is there any significance in the sound between these 2 cables if used for instruments?

pardon me for the messy jargon, i'm just a musician wanting to find out the characteristics of these 2 cables if used in an unbalanced setting (i.e. guitar to amp)

according to this guy who posted in some forum i stumbled upon, he claims that L-2T2S is "less muddy in the low end compared to GS-6"
but of course, i've no prior experience or proof on his claim..

Would some of you with experience with these two cables used in an "unbalanced" setting please share some of your inputs?

Thanks! :)
i use both(the 2t2s, i use it for expression pedals connection thou, not mic).

the mono cable inside is just one core and the shield, the stereo one, is 2 core and shield. By combining the 2 core into one, wont it just be like one core and one shield, just like the mono one?

and if you wanna, you can take a trs plug, connect ring to sleeve via jumper wire . You will have something like a mono plug, just ring and sleeve. Solder the "2 core become 1" stereo cable to the tip" on the plug and shield from cable to "ring+sleeve" on plug.

You will have a stereo cable used as mono cable with a stereo jack convert to mono jack.

Anyway, if you wanna try out, you can get the stereo cable from simlim square, hungs bro(3rd floor), 1m at $2-$3. Some neutrik plugs or cheapo made in china plug to try out. Total cost wont exceed $10 if you buy 1m of cable and 2 china made plug

tone can be subjective and according to the test/trial situation(length of cable, thru effect or without etc). If theres anyway for the person who mentioned about less mud to do frequency plot of some sort with that cable, against the mono cable of same length and test condition, it might be more obvious. If just normal hearing, it might be deceiving

Anyway, if you wanna try out, just get the cables(mono and stereo) and plugs to try out. Total cost can be less than $15...