Gravity Bass


New member
Hey guys :)
I'm a guitarist lookin to get a bass just for the heck of it

I really like the Trujillo Deluxe Bass but that would be kinda too expensive since i might not play it eventually

I'm lookin for a 5 string bass pref with a Gravity type shape, pickups arn't that important

I've seen basses liek the Squier MB-5 and the Epiphone Embassy Standard V 5 string which are pretty cool.

So if you have any basses for sale do PLease also PM me or sms me!!

THANKS in advace to anyone who contributes to my first bass!
A 4-string would be better for bass. Are you sure you're going to use the B string? A good B string is hard to come by in budget options, either sounding too muddy or lacking volume. A good 4-string can be found in budget situations though.
Actually the pickups are important. Depending on the type of tone you want, single coils and humbuckers does make a difference. You can get a workable bass, then swap out the pickups for either Basslines or Dimarzios. Good pickups make a world of difference to the tone. After playing with passives, you might wanna try out actives with preamps in your next bass. Do keep that in mind when you're getting your first bass. Just my 2 cents.