Good Guitar teachers


New member

Maybe its abt time we listed out the teachers worth taking lessons from. Sadly to say, finding a respectable teacher can be pretty difficult.

So as to save our fellow guitar loving bros from wasting their hard earn cash/time, pls do recommened a good teacher if you know one.

Would be good if you could state the kind of music they specialise in as well.

welll... i've only ever had one teacher, from the yamaha contempo school, who taught me acoustic basics for 6 months. he was okay i guess, taught us songs worth playing. i went for lessons the day i bought my guitar, and all i remember was how my friend and i were gawking at some improvs he played while we were trying to get the intro to come as you are.

guy's called regi, i guess he's kind of worth the money, only the lessons are a bit pricey.
