Free The Tone Flatboard (PT3 Size)


New member
Hi there

Selling my Free The Tone Flatboard with the touring case.
The board itself is slightly bigger than a PT3 size and is in good condition.
The case is what free the tone calls touring case. It's basically a really solid hard case. I had wheels and a pull-out handle installed by CaseMakers, which made it quite a lot easier to bring around. The case has the usual signs of usage and has many pedal stickers on it and is solid as a rock.
Here are more details from the website. It's the largest size (FP7045).

Selling board and case as a set for 700, slight nego.
Brand new this set will cost you 800 plus, excluding shipping.

Contact me at 9o3597o5 if interested or if u want to see more pictures.
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