Firehouse + Neil Zaza in SG?


New member
From their website:

FireHouse Quick News

º Due to family commitments, Bill Leverty will not be able to play the Southeast Asia shows. In his place, he has asked his good friend, Neil Zaza, to fill in. Neil is a guitar virtuoso who not only shreds, but also has a great sense of melody, emotion, and soul. You can check him out at his website, . Bill hopes to be back in Southeast Asia next time around.

2010-06-30 Singapore *Fort Canning Park*
haha yea same man, i was indifferent to the fact that firehouse is coming until i saw this announcement on neil zaza...

(edit) i think its confirmed now since its on zaza's website as well..
neil zaza's freaking pro lah! i would prefer the original guitarist bill leverty obviously, but then again i'd pay to watch neil zaza anyday anyways... haha!
Cannot Miss This One!!

Neil Zaza alone would do it for me!!! Plus Firehouse!!! OMG, I will not miss this one!!
There is a discount!!!

Did you guys know that just by mentioning the codewode "Fire" when you purchase your tickets, you get a 10% discount!!??
now i'm really going in ! I thought of just watch it from outside but now i'm going in as i just won a pair of tickets to catch them live ! Weee