ear plugs


New member
hey ppl ... i dunno about you guys.. but i am all for wearing protection and stuff for my ears cause i dont wanna go deaf.. Guess i play to hard

anyway how do you find those ear plugs by vic virth and other drum brands, personally i use the 3M foam ear plugs, work wonders for me

any other recommendations?
i think danial bought the vic firth ear plugs... it broke.. and it costs 30 plus..

u can get 10 3m earplugs with that man.. so yeah earplugs, get from lavender army shop there.. Alort of good stuff.. foam or plugs:D
Danial's Vater. Am using Etymotic for years. Good stuff, chk it out. Used to get them in bulk from a dealer frnd last time, no more, but heard it can be obtain sumwhere in Sim Lim for a slightly higher price.
I buy mine from Swee Lee and each cost me S$80.00 (i have 2 of these like a overhead Earphone like that one - blue in colour)...the I also have 4 sets of ear plug.

BUT.tttttttttttttttttt shit why am I not using it each time I play my drums?....

Very Bad - I will have to learn - to ensure that I use them Gregg B says in the Singapore DrumFest 2007 - Protect your ears people, protect your ears....


I use ETY•Plugs™ (ER•20 High Fidelity Earplugs)


Better attenuation across the frequency scale, compared to foam types.

I have the Hearos 32 db earplugs, they're about $9.60 for 9 pairs from Music Ensemble, very effective. Otherwise you can get Sellery earmuffs from Homefix for $6 (it's $7.60 at Carrefour), that's 26 db reduction but the high frequencies - cymbals and snare - will be disproportionately reduced, you'll hear mostly the bass and the toms. The thing about musician's earplugs such as the Vater ones, or some types of Hearos, and the Etymotics is that the attenuation is more even across all frequencies so you don't end up hearing just the bass. They cost a bit more though.
My bro and I are also using those etymotic earplugs. Pretty ex but VERY good stuff. Preserves the high freq sounds much better as shown in the graph. The difference is clear as night and day. That shop that sells mics and stuff on the 3rd floor of SLS, just in front of the escalator leading to that floor sells em. Forgot the name of the shop.
KillerBee's right....the Hearos at Music Ensemble is real cool. I used to use Etymotic but the Hearos actually made a really similar one for a few bucks cheaper....go check them out...
i guess i shall get a pair of earplugs too.
but wouldn't it b a problem if u played in a HDB flat n hav to watch ur volume?

lyk wearing e earplugs to prac is hard to tell hw loud ur playing.
but i do notice when u wear earplugs it tends to sound nicer when u play on e set
sound nicer when play on e set ? ? .. u mean u tune the volume up then put on ear plugs and play .. lols .. is it ? will have differences meh ?
ear muff will let ur ears hear the drums at a more reverb ambiance...

ear plugs - u hear the drums still the same...

my left ear has very sensitive hearing thus i sometimes wear ear plugs + ear muffs if im playing with volume... but ear plugs would just do... u won't know how loud u play with both on...
Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:23 pm Post subject:


sound nicer when play on e set ? ? .. u mean u tune the volume up then put on ear plugs and play .. lols .. is it ? will have differences meh ?

err brain wash refering to a accoustic set. so ya. hope we're talking abt e same thing.can't tune up e volumn unless u hit harder

well to me i don't mind spending money to protect my ears lol.
erm no i was refering to the same thing as emman .. the electrronic set .. .. i don think there is a difference from wearing ear plugs and tuneing up the volume ... lols .. then u buy e - kit then on loud loud .. then use ear plugs .. must well buy acoustic drum .. lols ; sry for the misunderstanding .. :oops:
yeah man , mine's the vater one i got at 30 plus , like what marc said , it really broke ! :lol:

i bought some 3 bucks one at beach road something like 3M's one , and i'm still using it !
The ear plugs i was using prior to my Etymotics were free. The 3M foam type somemore. Given out free during a C130 flight back from Thailand LF (although we should have already had earplugs for that). There was a big bag of them going around (each pair is sealed) so I koaped a few. :)
am using etymotics... same as blissy bro... same mass order ... hahaha (must have been thanks to da doc ernest "slamfunk")