doing drop D tuning on tuner?


New member
just wondering if the drop D tuning could be done on the tuner ar, those battery tuner?

like tune the 1st string to the D light is it a accurate way of doing it? or my best bet is through ear?
it is pretty accurate. you could use the 12th fret harmonic to tune it as well. more accurate IMO.

anyhows if you wanna drop other strings, like say maybe drop 1 whole step, then you can use a capo on the 2nd fret and tune to E standard, then release the capo.
i believe the capo would prevent tuning from taking place...? unless you detune at the bridge fine tuners... 8)
i believe the capo would prevent tuning from taking place...? unless you detune at the bridge fine tuners... Cool

arhh.. my capo is probably too weak i guess lol.. but yeah good point. :wink:

aiya, just use guitar pro or some other software, play all the individual notes and tune to it lor, easiest.

mic your amp to your pc for that.
i tune the low E string against the other D string...same not but lower...something like that. guess it may not be very accurate but it's fast...then when i'm done, i tune the low E string against the high E string and go on to next song...