DIY fuzz..pic and clip added


New member
just finished my fuzz circuit..and must say .. its really fun working with it..the circuit isnt exactly how its supposed to be but its nicer sounding IMO..well the peice is in a tupperware cuz i was short of cash for the enclosure..haha getting the box this wednesday.. no worries.
niwaes the song is fallen by lauren sumthing ..just for a rough idea of how it sounds.. i dun think i'm good enuff for solo.. but haha waddehell.. coments..

sound clip..



built a clean boost circuit, every thign was working fine till i tried to house the damn thing. somethign musta got shorted and im too lazy to troubleshoot it haiz....
WOA! cool tupperware fuzz dude! but it breaks if u step on it right? lol, really interesting work here.