Digi Camera on Linux


New member
Anyone got any idea which camera can be used on linux OS without installing anything? I have a Asus eeepc and it is too small to install anything. And also, anyone can tell me where to get cheap lomo cameras and what kind to get?
hi there...
i am sure any camera will work with linux cos if u connect to it through usb..it gets recognise as a usb device..and it will sort itself from there

anyway what distro u using?...i'm using ubuntu 8.10 intrepid....

hope this helps!:D
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I think I read the Asus EEE PC comes with a customised Linux OS based on Xandros.

But pretty much almost all cameras should work with it. Never had an issue with any myself.

But I think http://forum.eeeuser.com/ will be a better place to post your queries for your eee pc.
I am not so good at this IT stuff, i m not sure wat distro.. The thing is tt i had tried plucking the digi cam into the eeepc but its unable to read and i was disappointed to find out even for thumb drive also. The thing is that eeepc only has 8GB of memory space and i can't d.l anything, it will waste the space.What i want is that a thumb drive and digi cam that can pluck into the usb of eeepc and straight away able to read the file like windows. Is there any that you guys can recommend me? I am still unsure why people use linux OS, i find it very troublesome..
Thumb drive - Pretty much all thumb drives work. Haven't encountered any that hasn't, they are all basically the same after all.

Camera - If the camera has a USB Mass-storage mode then it will work. If not , then safest and easiest way to get a card reader (i think it's around 15 dollars now) , and just read the camera SD card using the card reader.

Regarding why people use Linux, that is a whole other discussion. :)
hey there bro,

just like what indianstallion said...all thumbdrive should work i have 3 of various brands and they all work....and same advice regarding the camera...

why i use linux? - i started to use it to prove a point (to friends) that linux is actually great to use and to point out that getting good performance does not need a lot of cash...linux kick microsoft's butt with its price to performance ratio