Did anyone handson Korg M3 @ Citymusic??


I had hands on KORG M3 couple of weeks ago at City Music. One thing which I liked was it's Karma 2 Engine... :)

Otherwise the keyboard sounded more like it's predecessor Triton Extreme.... :x

Also the sampling memory is restricted to 256MB with Korg's propreitory RAM only..locking the feasibilities of using SD RAM or DDR as in Roland Fantom or Motif XS. No CF card slot..only USB 2.0 and FW goes optional... 8O

Radias board goes optional...and this started off with a price tag same as Triton Extreme...will see this December on their annual sale... :D
i did!! .... i on it just now ... waiting for it to load ... 1-2min ...
then rush of after trying it for only 5 sec ....

*i was in workin hour...*
i think the M3 is too complicated to use, and it had too many features, which takes time to read the manual to activate it. but pianoex surely have different views, lols he loves KORG luh.

if you would look at the KORG website and view the videos for the M3 product, you need to read in dept to really utilize the M3. i would save this money to buy something better!!! :]

but anyway to each his own views!
Lolx ..... i mean ... i wasn't really able to play around with it ... lolx

i was trying to at least try a bit ... but then ... the loading time was damn long ... made me decide to turn it off and rush back to office ... mwahahaha =P
Ivan...Did you try it at City music or you buy one for yourself...

what loading time you are talking about ? Do City music allow you to load samples there ??? on their demo unit ???


Take a look at Stephen Kay's demo videos and video user manuals at his website www.karma-lab.com

They are very impressive...this guy rocks..really...
did!! .... i on it just now ... waiting for it to load ... 1-2min ...
then rush of after trying it for only 5 sec ....

Ivan...It takes 1 minute to boot the unit...and what you might have seen in 5 sec ???? :lol: :lol: just touch the keys ?? :lol: :lol:

you are funny....go and sit there for atleast half hour on a saturday, try and give your opinion here.. :D
bongman is meaning like maybe M3-2 or something, another model that debug everything in M3 if there is, and also with improve features and sounds if korg feel theres a need to, for eg the long loading time like what they said.

but i doubt so. M3 by itself its like the then triton extreme already, or the then M1 . i dont think they would upgrade any of their M series unless they are preparing to launch a whole new model , M4.

but otherwise M3 would still be M3 and there wouldnt be any changes ba.
I doubt you guys tested it before you post here...why dont test it at citymusic before any comments..

Certain things I noticed on M3 is

1. Drum Track on every patch and combi
2. second generation karma same as oasys
3. 8 dedicated drum/chord/arpeg pads
4. Joystick redesigned
5. XY Control on LCD
6. more sliders and control buttons than any synths like competitors
7. Radias option's vocoders are great...
8. More user banks for more flexibility
9. Firewire option...


I would like to see your views and comments after you tested the unit..not just blah..blah..blah... :lol:
Now a days citymusic guys are good..after the boss's son take over...Not like Sweelee kinda attitude...

I sat on the machine for nearly half hour rite fom resetting the unit and playing all progs and combis...as in Stephen Kay's video...

Then I noticed the features which I mentioned above....

US retaliing at USD 2499 where we are certainly getting a bargain price...at citymusic..

As per my view., M3 is really worth for it's features and sound...

Only con is the sampling memory is restricted by KORG's properitery RAM EXB M256 (256 MB)..This really sucks when compared to my Fantom X's 1 GB RAM...while using samples....

also No Card slot like Extreme all goes by USB...(powered USB hard disk to be used)

final say.........

This is a good key board which can be called as small brother of OASYS...buying at around S$3k during year end sale is ideal... :D
err... it depends... the last time I tried Triton Extreme, the guy stop me from playing ??? 10 min given only... end up I bought the Korg K25 /w M1 le...

I had no problems with them so far...May be they didnt like you ?? :lol: :lol: :lol: Did you go to the show room like karanguni...rubber slippers, torn shorts etc...??? :lol: :lol:

Basically CM guys are Ok compared to those punks at Sweelee...Last time CM even delivered my Triton Extreme home at no additional cost...would others do that...??
>> looks like at Swee Lee I was given half and hour to try out the Roland Juno-G and Sh201

Tom Lee (HK) best. While I was checking out the Korg Micro-X, my little girl went over to the Korg Oasys and started hammering away a tune on it and no one stopped her. (in Tom Lee, the Oasys is not cordoned off and you do not need permission to switch it on).

After we left, she asked if she could have one. I asked her if she wanted a pony instead. :lol: