Creating Electronic Music


New member
Hey guys, I would like to start out on creating electronica and house music and also recording. I'm a huge fan of electronica and house but I don't know where to start. The only form of experience I have is fiddling with my brother's Garageband. Can anyone give me some pointers on how to start out?

Take note that I've only got Garageband and nothing else. I'm naked in terms of softwares.

Oh, and it would be really good if someone can give me lessons for free on how to use Garageband, synths, softwares and anything I might need to create and record my own tunes and beats. We can arrange for a meet-up anywhere, anytime. Not soon though, I'm having my exams.
I'm not into electronica etc, but my suggestion is to play around more with garageband, since you have access to it. First step in learning how to write is to "copy". That means, listen to a short track (just 4 bars is enough of something) and see if you can use garageband to create something similar. That will 1. train your ears, 2. give you a chance to familar yourself with the software, 3. train you to select suitable sounds.

That was how I started - making midi files by clicking the mouse. That was when actually the mouse was first invented by apple - during that time, all PCs are using DOS. That was a long time ago...