Create a thread for videos


New member
With the influx of youtube and google video and such, would not it be sound if we had a stickied thread fully dedicated to videos so that it provides a centralized location for musicians to share videos? It'll clean up the forums greatly from all the threads made just so ppl can show off videos. It'll also provide a source of entertainment for some of us bored musicians.

My 2 cents. Thanks... :)
Ppl have been posting videos on the forums. I suggest creating a stickied thread meant for posting videos.

I don't think it can get anymore simpler than that, bro...
Haha! Sorry if my first suggestion was too wordy.. :)

Anw, it'll be better if a theread was made in the Kopitiam...

Think i'll do that now... James, what say you?
actually, i think the videos on youtube will be removed very soon due to copyright issue.

remember ?
well it could be any videos, you know... Musicians wanting to share cool videos of some random korean kid shredding on a guitar... or a flying 4-eyed cat...

Or would you rather have a forum littered with threads made just for a video?

Copyright infringement issues, let's just embrace it while the authorities haven't had their final say yet, aites? :twisted:
it is an offence to link to copyrighted material without the consent of the copyright owner. so, by putting these links on SOFT, you are endangering SOFT legal standing.
Slash04, i can only do so much.

SOFTies, do be cautious of what you post/link in the forum.
That'll be too restrictive, you know... And as it is, most of the videos ppl post aren't originals... Check out the thread in the kopitiam anw... Looks kinda sad if my thread doesn't get much traffic... :/ Haha!