Connecting Synth to Audio Interface (via Phonejack)?


New member
Hey all,

Got a newbie question.

I would like to have a free input for a condenser mic and at the same time plug in a synth. As far as I know, usually people would plug their synths into interfaces with unbalanced L/R to get stereo sound.

I was looking at the Presonus Audiobox USB (Which has 2 combo-jack preamps)
Just wondering if I can hook my synth using the Phones(headphones) output to the AudioBox combo jack and get (stereo) instrument input into the AudioBox?

If not, maybe I am better off with a Firestudio Mobile or some other interface with equally good sound quality and enough inputs?

Thanks for taking time to read!
Best solution is to have 2 inputs for your keyboard. If not, you can always get a cable with 2 jacks on one end merging to one on the other end. Phone output ok, but you need to watch for the signal level.
Thanks cheez, seems like it's always you replying to most of the threads :)

Wondering if the sound/signal quality would drop using the 2to1 converter or phones output into the interface? Btw you said watch the signal level on Phones output - do you actually mean the signals from phone output is generally much higher?

Alittle OT but figured I should ask this as well: but do you think the FSMobile will be overkill for my mobile setup? I currently only need to record vocals/keyboard and I do use VSTis so latency must not be an issue. (That's part of the reason why I m more geared towards Firewire interfaces but they are generally more costy. Should I just get USB interfaces instead? (Just concerned about the Firewire/USB interface thruput issue) If so, are there any good interfaces to recommend w/ low latency drivers?
