Commited Beginner guitarist looking forward to join a acoustic band.


New member
Hi everyone,

I'm a Chinese, male, at my early 20's, stays in yishun and just only started serious in music.
I'm a beginner acoustic guitarist and current skill level is cannot make it.

But I'm serious in music.

Looking forward to join a acoustic band, one who is willing to teach me and lead me somewhere.

I personally is a anti-gamer myself, which also means that i would had a lot more time to train instead of spending it on games.

My aim was to be able to perform for wedding gigs (playing love songs in a acoustic band) someday, and to be able to perform regularly almost every night at a age of 30.

I am a shy person, and very easily become depressed. but i wish to overcome it and become a better man.
Waiting for something special to happen, but it never does.

So I'm going to fight for it instead. I don't wish to become a NATO (No Action Talk Only).

If any senior guitarist who is willing to train me and lead me somewhere, sms me at 8368 8431.

Best if he or she is someone who stays somewhere around yishun area.

Just testing my luck, i doubt any senior guitarist who is willing to teach me anyway. :-(
Anyway, thanks for reading this.