Choosing a snare....


New member
Hey fellow softies, got a quick question. Between this four snares which will you choose.

1) Ludwig Black Beauty
2) Black Panther Premium Maple
3) Ludwig Acrolite
4) PDP SX Acrylic

Also, do 13" or 14" sound better?
That's a huge difference in prices for the snares.

If I were to choose, I'd get the Black Beauty. But that's 'cos I've got an Acro and a Pearl FF Maple already.

If I didn't have the snares already, I would go for the Acro first, unless the deal on the BB was killer. I particularly liked this quote by Weckl-x.

Everyone should own an Acro - it's like the favourite pair of jeans you know you can always fall back on when you don't know what else to wear.

What kinda stuff do you play? It would be easier to recommend a snare if you were to be more specific.
Heh, thanks jeepers, for spreading the Blessed and Saintly Name of the Humble Acrolite.

With regards to the question: Who am I picking it for? Myself? Budget not an issue? Black Beauty lah. 14 x 6.5

Apart from its legendary status, it's probably the one most suited to the stuff I play most of the time (rock/funkish stuff in church).

You have an interesting lineup there. Four different materials - Brass/Maple/Alu/Acrylic. Remove the names/brands and think in terms of which will suit your needs better.
your money lot lot of cuz the black beauty. BUT BUT BUT if no money then acrolite. ACROLITE FTW. i am using one now. i love it to the core. the sound is superb. forget the pdp la. its like getting something that. aiya you know what i mean. dw makes pdp. like fender makes squiet. that brand thing la.. HAHAH I OWN A PDP SET! LOL!
I know the acrolite sounds good, but can someone who has the acrolite actually DESCRIBE the sound? Like is it high pitched as most metal snares tend to be? Or does it have a more rounded sound? Does it have enough body for a 5" depth snare?

It would be great if someone could do that because I would like to buy a new snare in the (very) near future and can't decide between an acrolite or something wooden like a maple or birch snare.
It's hard to describe unless we have a common lexicon and point of reference. You know, what's "high-pitched" to you, might not be to me. To me, the alu shell gives it an inherently drier quality, in contrast to brass. It's not "high-pitched" to me, unless you tune it high, of course.

That's where sound files come in handy.

One of the professionals on cymbaholic, MrAcrolite aka Keith Cronin, has a pretty uncoloured (little compression/eq done) sound file of a 1966 keystone 5x14 Ludwig Acrolite on his website. Listen to that. He also has one of the 6.5x14 black galaxy Ludwig Acrolite, which you might want to consider if you want a little more fatness than the 5" can offer.

Hope that helps.
marc!? buy la on ebay or something la.

sg the dealer for ludwig is darling SWEE LEE right? they dun seem to carry. hiaz. someone get rid of this monopoly. haha nvm.. i dun buy their stuff much..