CHINESE DEMOCRACY debuts at no. 3 on the billboard chart= EPIC FAIL


New member
Hey guys, you heard the news right? Chinese Democracy sold just 261,000 copies in the opening week, when their label was predicting a range of like 700,000++ sales. Sigh, no wonder axl rose wants the original gnr to reunite.
An epic fail would be when they release an album with shit music. And Chinese Democracy isn't shit at all. If there's anything here that is epic fail it should be you.
If someone like Li'l Wayne(no disrespect) can sell a million copies in a week, I would expect rock giants like GNR to top that. Two hundred thousand copies may be a lot to us, but after such a long wait, I really expected better.
i personally did not like chinese democracy. After all that hype, i was expecting something similar or close to appetite for destruction. I only like 2-3 songs at most. So tim098, f*ck off and get a life before you start dissing me
If you want people to stop dissing you then stop dissing guns n roses dude. Get a life. At least they're touring the world.
i didnt not diss gnr, i'm just saying their album release was an epic fail cos it didnt live up to its hype and expectations. And sheesh why is everyone quoting me.
metalhead, i would suggest that you dont use profanities and dont diss people off. one man's treasure may be another man's poison.(or vice versa) so yeah PEACE (V)
Everyone is quoting you because you made a gross oversimplification and are pretty quick to pass judgment for someone who, we presume, has very little actual experience on the matter.

Album sales figures alone don't mean much. In contrast, what have you accomplished? You're the real epic fail here.
Album sales figures alone don't mean much. In contrast, what have you accomplished? You're the real epic fail here.

Who is to determine what is accomplishment? You know something? I think just because you're in an act that is somewhat known LOCALLY does not give you the right to call someone an epic fail. I'm not saying metalhead is right in dissing GNR, but by talking down to him, you're behaving as though you're on a plateau looking down on him. Well, I'm here to tell you that you're not.
I have very low tolerance for people who look down on other people's achievements. This is regardless of whether it is to do with music, studies, or anything else in life.

Perhaps you misunderstand. I'm not insulting metalhead1993's own accomplishments- I'm pointing out that what I feel constitutes his epic fail is NOT his achievements or lack thereof, but his attitude. I don't see what's your problem. :)

EDIT: Point me to anywhere where I've looked down on someone else's accomplishments, and I'll gladly eat my words and buy you a MegaMac.
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the album might not have reached its targeted sales in the opening wk, but it does has some excellent musicianship on it (even though the music lost some of the authentic GnR flavor). So its not fair to say that its an epic fail. Furthermore, the genre that dominates popular music nowadays is undeniably pop, hip-hop and r&b. The fact that GnR have not released an album in more than a decade means that the current generation finds them alien and this could have contributed to the "poor" sales too. I guess Chinese Democracy just needs some time before the album sales pick up.
i didnt not diss gnr, i'm just saying their album release was an epic fail cos it didnt live up to its hype and expectations.

And ur basing this on album sales of all things. Do u even comprehend music? Are you tone deaf?

So ur saying if GNR had sold 2 million copies during the first week after release, with the SAME EXACT SONGS, they wouldn't be failures anymore? Shows how much of a music listener u really are...
I can't believe the bloody hypocrisy I'm seeing here, people are out here flaming each other to defend GNR. The very same people who I have seen diss pop as a whole before. I hate pop, I don't give a shit about their achievements, and I don't give a shit about GNR, but this is getting to a point of ridiculousness.

As above, I have zero tolerance for hypocrisy, so if you think you're about to change your stance on this, please substantiate your position.
The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness.

I believe that everybody's accomplishments are their own to cherish, and nobody else has the right to judge them. I have not said anything negative about anybody else's accomplishments here, so it's consistent.

I also believe that lousy attitude constitutes an epic fail. Again, it's consistent.

Where's the hypocrisy here?
Hydrofly were you referring to me? If you were, yes I am angry that metalhead93 is, based on album sales alone and completely disregarding musicality and other musical factors, calling GNR failures. Is there anything wrong with that?

Sorry if u werent even referring to me in the first place though.
people are out here flaming each other to defend GNR. The very same people who I have seen diss pop as a whole before. I hate pop, I don't give a shit about their achievements, and I don't give a shit about GNR, but this is getting to a point of ridiculousness.

So if someone disses pop but defends GNR, they're being a hypocrite?

Perhaps, you know, maybe they just like GNR and don't like pop? GNR has been around for decades and they are a symbol of where hard work and determination can get you. Pop today, on the other hand, is manufactured, pretentious and has almost no depth.

I can completely understand how somebody can diss pop and defend GNR. How does this make them a hypocrite?

Not specifically you, this whole argument right here, if you people had abit of sense, you'd just ignore metalhead, music is far too subjective to have useful arguments about.


You're talking down to him about his questioning of GNR's accomplishments, yet you are also questioning his successes, if you've messed with the english language for long enough, you'd know that certain words mean slightly more than the strict dictionary definition. In this case, hypocrisy refers to how you're talking down to someone, ticking him off for what he has said, and you're doing what he has done to earn your ticking off.