Can't place description on my ad


New member
Hi James and moderators,
I noticed that the description in my ads(Amp section) don't display the product description. I've tried copy and paste from previous ads and typing them again as well but no dice. Any suggestions to resolve this?

Copy > Paste into Notepad > Copy > Paste into Ad

Let me know if it works.
Thanks for the prompt reply James but it didn't work though.
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There's a HTML button when editing your ad. Could you click on in and enter your text there? I don't think it is a system problem cos the ad above yours have some text in his description field.
I have clicked on it and also tried the "cleanup messy code" but even if I can paste my ad on the description box, it still doesn't appear after editing.
Hi fibredrive, i manage to post something in your description field. Can you try editing the Description on another computer/browser?