Caliber (German brand, saw at german expo)


New member
Hi ya, as usual as ever, real busy during this season, was hosting some buiness over suntec convertion hall, I seriously dont even have time for my s470dxqm project :sad:.

Anyway during lunch break time, my colleages was telling me he saw this guitar on this german expo fair on convention hall (forgot the number, but it was on 4th left on the furthest part, either right or left try yr luck). So went there to have a quick look, there is only one guitar there and probably afew pieces of amplifier which look pretty cool (at least to me). The only guitar was a les paul copy, they have cool inlays and a decent headstock(bindless gibson headstock look really ugly to me) to me. Having a closer look it seems that its pretty flawless in finishing and inlays and son on. The brand was Caliber if i didnt rem wrongly. It should be a germany brand since its in german expo fair. Anyone have any idea where retails these guitars and how are they (the amp look good)? Gotta really take a week of leave soon :D I was pretty in a rush so didnt went to ask them about specs and so.
seems that no one know about this. anyway if u plan to visit the booth someday, sorry to say that the german fair ended today :(