
nagoya hill was great man.but i dont understand the freaking layout over there.marina city if im not wrong or harris resorts is the best place to hangout,skiing,gokarting.damn its fun over there.
hahaha batam.. all i can say .. batam is abit disappointing place..
if u wanna go indo.. go to a bigger city.. u can find more stuff there..
guitars-indo can be slightly cheaper
effects-Singapore is more up-to-date and its cheaper in singapore

But if u r a horny guy.. hahaha ....indo is a good place to
its cheap there.. but u must have a person to guide u around tat knows the place well that can lead u to the mother load...

tt was seriously an insult...
watch ur words man
Berbalas pendapat sahaja

nah im religious therefore sex aint my thing yet and its not good to change partners.
Believe me. There's nothing wrong at all in Batam.
Di sana penghuni-penghuni yang menetap di situ amat rendah diri dan bersopan santun.
Aku pernah ke sana wahai mas Dime.
Malah akan ke sana lagi Insya-Allah bersama keluargaku dan orang yang tersayang
Di situlah aku mengenal erti kehidupan tenang.
Bebas dari hiruk-pikuk dan segala dugaanNya hidup di kota
Aku lebih pantas dan pintas jika dipencilkan atau dipulaukan atau dicampakkan sahaja di hutan/desa
Hujan adalah nikmat Ilahi
Begitu Juga dengan matahari
Di Batamlah aku mengerti isi dan kandungan bumi
Semuanya hasil ciptaan Ilahi!

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Can't say dude...

what if your gf/futuregf/wife wants you to tag along to have the cheap spa and massage treatments there?

Previously I never tot that I would ever step into Batam too, but skali my company had mass outing go batam for massage and eat seafood.

Bo pian~
now taht you mention it, my gf's family often goes there to shop.

bleargh i hate batam..

the name itself disgust me..
For someone who've worked in Indonesia for more than 10 years, here's what I can say. A place is still a place, people are still people. No matter where you go to any part of the world, you'll see mixture of things. The good, the bad and the ugly. Hehehe!! Macam crita koboi pulak. Anyway, ahem...I actually love Indonesia. Batam is not as a bad place as people conceived it. And not all men who goes to Batam are into that cheap thrill. And not all girls in Batam are cheap. We have to respect people of what they are and we'll be respected of what we are.

But one fact in life I know about Batam that concern Malay Singaporeans at one time are:


I would say...these lies to individuals on how they see things in life. This is not an insult to anyone but things we may learn together along the way in life.

now taht you mention it, my gf's family often goes there to shop.

bleargh i hate batam..

the name itself disgust me..

wahh why so stereotypical?

u mentioned abt ur hatred, but u didn't mention why..

the place is good if u wana shop for cheap stuffs, like clothing, food, groceries, cigarettes(CHEAP AS HELL!), spa, hair treatment and anything else related..
because its hot. and how you always have to watch out incase someone mugs you. and its like theres the ladies who cant leave you alone...

if your going for holiday, you want to enjoy and have piece.
not constantly being worried and all
well, that depends.. i even experienced being "dragged" by chicks when i was trying to buy some cheap fruits around geylang, i stay in aljunied. but i can't say i hate singapore just because of that, no? if talking about the measurement of heat, well, where do you stay bro? as far as i know, batam, singapore, KL, they all have similar temperature. HOT.

i think every city has their own good and bad spot. and it's always the first rule that if you visit a foreign country, you can't act like you're in your home country. be wise, and always be cautious.

just my 2 cents tho..

peace out..


Batam is just a small town compare to Singapore, good things - bad things are happening at almost anywhere.

I live here (in batam) since 2002, before that - Jogja - Semarang - then Jakarta & finally Batam.

If you love play music you're definitely prefer to live in Java Island (more great players, more cheap instruments, more friends & audience)
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