Basic Audio Fuzzes (Order Update) 25% off


New member
Hi all,

If you've opened this, you'd probably know what Basic Audio Fuzzes are about.

This guy has many modern recreations of popular vintage fuzzes. Do visit the website for more information.

Below are some links to demos.

As these pedals aren't available in Singapore at all, I am hoping to find people who would like to order them in, sharing the shipping cost and getting an overall discount as well.

We are being offered a 25% discount off the pedals. (So after discount, that's 150USD for the Scarab Deluxe, instead of 200USD. We're getting a great deal really.)

We will then share the combined shipping cost. Which will cost roughly around 50-60USD for 5-6 pedals(Quoted by John Lyons).

For more information on his pedals, visit the official Basic Audio website:

The current confirmed order stands at:

3 Scarab Deluxe
1 Tri-Ram

Do SMS/Whatsapp me at 96two5 nine7eight8 if you need more information or are looking to place an order, and we will be able to plan from there.

Thanks for reading.