Ayotte drums ?

Yes sire there is a dealer in singapore, believe it or not!! He contacted me about duallist double pedals sometime ago when i wanted to buy it and he said he has stock. THan i went down to his site, and he was the official sole authorised dealer for ayotte drums.

But be prepared to pay quite a HANDSOME sum of money since a wood hoop ones would set u back at LEAST 14k. That's what he told me.

I've a friend who owns ayotte drums, all maple, in a yellow kinda fade finish, wood hoops. All i can say is that these drums are SUPERB! Warm rich tone, great projection and stuff lah. I always jam at his house, except that ayotte is about 3 to 4 years old, yet the wood is still looks new and have not yet decayed.

hope this helps mate, i suggest u getting a DW set if u are already in the professional range, those might cost u at least 10k or 6.8k for their starters, but if u have a bigger budget, add 4k and head down to the dude's shop, he stocks ayotte drums and many other stuffs...
my email has like more than a thousand and the email i received dated like a few months ago, finding it would be a real hassle considering im having 100 plus pages to scout back.
after at least 20 minutes of searching, finally found that email address...

*feel like im advertising this dude's stuff* hehe.. well anyways here's the link, there's not stuff in it but u have the idea.. he stocks brady and ayotte and many other stuffs...


dude u gotta be more proactive man, call em up and ask... i got this info sumtime back he said that its 9k plus for steel hoops and 15k plus for wood hoops.

anyways my friend's selling his ayotte bass drum..
14K lol. i tink i may nv get a chance of owning it. :rolleyes:
anyway thanks for the info..
is it possible to post ur friend's ayotte drums ? :p


