Ash Vs Alder


New member
Hi fellow softies, I am planning on getting a Fender Stratocaster. There are two woods commonly used in Fender Stratocasters, Alder and Ash. What are the differences of these two woods in terms of quality and tone. I don't know which one to get, I'd like to get SRV kinda tone, that nice blues tone. Which one? Thanks for the help.

Alder body with rosewood on maple neck should suit your tastes better. the rest of the equation goes to the pickups used,effects and amp.
ah ic , i'am currently lookin into the 57 RI' strats MIA of course :)
like relinquish said alder rosewood , like wad SRV used :)
ah ic , i'am currently lookin into the 57 RI' strats MIA of course :)
like relinquish said alder rosewood , like wad SRV used :)

Haha, hey you know where to get them? I previously wanted to get one, it suited me perfectly, but Brendon said he was out of stock so I don't know where to get them. Thanks for the help.

get a strat with a full one-piece maple maple neck....haha ok la rosewood if you die die want a SRV tone.....

Try Fender Texas Special pickups or Tex-mex.....
Hi fellow softies, I am planning on getting a Fender Stratocaster. There are two woods commonly used in Fender Stratocasters, Alder and Ash. What are the differences of these two woods in terms of quality and tone. I don't know which one to get, I'd like to get SRV kinda tone, that nice blues tone. Which one? Thanks for the help.


I think the Pao Ferro fretboard was more characteristic to the SRV guitar than the bodywood.
Thanks for the replies guys! And yes I'm the kid from TV. I'm not trying to copy his tone edder, my fingers are tiny lol, and if I had .13 strings, I can't bend! And I don't really like rosewood, maple FTW!

ah , but maple if refret need a new nitro finsh on the neck troublesome (if u get the 57').

lol .13 gauge is thick as hell man , maybe u try higher action like SRV action! whooooo
heh.... anyway you've already know what you want, maple fretboard, so get one with a maple fretboard. If you want to point towards SRV as a reference tone, then its rosewood cos SRV uses rosewood or pau ferro which is noted to sound brighter than rosewood. anyway at this point now all these doesn't really matter.

Go for the one you feel good with and something that pleases you both visually and aurally.

and... what kid from tv? who ah?
ah , but maple if refret need a new nitro finsh on the neck troublesome (if u get the 57').

why are you thinking of refret? be honest... will you be able to play the shit out of the guitar till the fret wears down? really be honest here.... ;)
heh.... anyway you've already know what you want, maple fretboard, so get one with a maple fretboard. If you want to point towards SRV as a reference tone, then its rosewood cos SRV uses rosewood or pau ferro which is noted to sound brighter than rosewood. anyway at this point now all these doesn't really matter.

Go for the one you feel good with and something that pleases you both visually and aurally.

and... what kid from tv? who ah?

Haha, thanks for the info! I'm WWH who used to be in the show Junior Jams, play guitar and keyboards one. I know, that show not very successful but hey, I got the experience of being in a band, and got to know alot of people such as Jack from EIC, great guitarist!

ah , but maple if refret need a new nitro finsh on the neck troublesome (if u get the 57').

lol .13 gauge is thick as hell man , maybe u try higher action like SRV action! whooooo

If I don't redo the nitro finish, what's the difference? More mojo! :D :D But seriously, will it affect the sound or anything?

ic ic... don't get caught up with specs and all that jazz if you're just beginning to get into this. Get what feels good and look good and play often.

All those arguments about tone are for anal laptop guitar warriors to champion and fight. :mrgreen: