Anyone tried plywood platform or other method to reduce Kick Drum Paddle Noise??


New member

Anyone has tried method that works to eliminate noise from the bass drum paddle so that downstair will not hear it? I am using Electronic drum set, so it has to be the bass paddle causing the noise.
From search in Yahaoo it recommend belows but dont know where to find that stage if it s avail ready built?
build a stage for the drums to sit on with 2 x 6 's and ply wood, you can put sound insulation in it and lay it on carpet or sound board dona cona. could be done for about 75 bux no probs
Well I experienced that. It can still be heard. The impact of the beater against the bass drum pad sounds like hammering from downstairs. Which is why I just said, screw this, electronic kit still get complained, might as well get acoustic. And thats what I did.

Back to the topic, you can get the Iso-underfloor from luther, then put a hard layer, like wood or something, then a regular carpet.
Read this from a drum forum years back. Get a large piece of MDF board (thick enough to support the kit and yourself if you intend to be sitting on it) to cover the entire area of your drumkit. Drill holes to fit tennis balls. Buy tennis balls and a carpet to cover the MDF board. Voilà, you got yourself a noise isolation platform that looks like a decent stage for your kit.
Buy some wood from daiso, some foam and those black circular thingys that u place below table legs... also a yoga mat will help too
Thanks to all for the suggestion. The Tennis Ball isolating platform seem to be the one most ideal. I had no idea that the bass kick paddle can be heard hamering sound (even I had a rubber matt ) so I will have to built the platform. Should have done this earlier if I have know it.
So u building the platform? let me know how it goes! Intend on getting an electronic kit.

However, is the bass drum sound of an electronic significantly softer than an acoustic one?
It is definitely softer as compared to an acoustic kick but having a beater hitting a pad that is placed on the floor, there will always be vibrations. Didn't expect it to be so strong that even a rubber mat isn't able to absorb all the vibrations.

Good luck on the building of the platform, SingHifi!
E-drum all the parts sounds muffle, cannot compare to the real thing (especially hi-hat). Bass is actually OK (keep selecting a different voice until you like the bass). Also u can connect to a Laptop running drum VST software to get more realistic drum but for me using headphone is OK enough as the midi still sounds like a drum. Headphone also isolate the hitting sound from the pad (quite loud actually like you hit hard on a plastic plate cover with cloth), everyone in the house can hear it. But I think neighbor may not hear it if door and window close. So the actually problematic area is the kick paddle and hi-hat paddle. I realise now the hammering sound and vibration can also be felt across the room, so it must be even more terrible for the neighbor downstair (I imagine would sound like someone stomping upstair). So the platform is still necessary. I will have to start shopping around for the 2pcs of MDF board. Dont know where to buy that mdf board cheaply here and have it cut to size.