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Hey, I just saw that on the purple line of MRT, and after the Poton pasir station , theres 1 more stop, which is between Pasir and serrangon.. but the train never stop there, and I find out theres even no name of that station in the MRT map... can any singaporean tell me about that ? Im just curious :confused: Thanx
err.. its called woodleigh station??

its not open because they are waiting for future developments of hdb flats in the area. the old graveyard there is the site where hdb flats are planned to be built. so they decided to build a station there for future use. its closed now because it will be under utilized if opened

strange u come to soft to ask..
dude, SOFT is the only singapore website which I knew as far as now, and for that station, I got a different story which from my friend, he said that station closed because it used happenned alot of strange things, like ghost or something,so closed is that true?
dude, SOFT is the only singapore website which I knew as far as now, and for that station, I got a different story which from my friend, he said that station closed because it used happenned alot of strange things, like ghost or something,so closed is that true?

it has nvr ever been opened since the opening of the nel. your friend is telling you nonsense. i'm very very sure of it cos i've been using the nel since the day it opened
Woodleigh park actually looks pretty awesome in the morning, great for jogging and taking pictures or overnight romps
it has nvr ever been opened since the opening of the nel. your friend is telling you nonsense. i'm very very sure of it cos i've been using the nel since the day it opened

thanx dude, actully my frien was heard by someone else, maybe its nonsense, but really no ideal why they even put that station name off the map, and as u said it is rebuilding now,, but everytime when pass over it, I saw no workers there,
I've been living in Potong Pasir since 27 years ago, so I know very much about the MRT between Potong Pasir and Serangoon Station. The station is called Woodleigh Station and reasons SMRT do not want to open it up is because of "what they said" waiting for future development. That particular station is built on burial grounds. Let me ask you this.

Do you believe the caretaker have taken out all the corpse COMPLETELY?
The Bidadari "Cementery" is still there (at night only), but in broad daylight it looks like a park. There is still some or most of corpse there beneath the grounds. Serious. Come at night and explore the place thus you'll get your answer to why the Woodleigh Station is not open. And I believe it'll never be open.

If however some company decided to make a condominium on the burial site. Guess who'll stay in for most of the nights.

Recently I've passed by there late at night and the smell of frangipani is still strong and the howls of the dogs is heard. A white lady is seen beside a tree looking at me.

Check it out.
You want it opened? Do this:


I know who did this one... Not telling though.;)

That's Buangkok MRT btw.
I heard that while the contractors were digging the holes for the railway track underground , many bones and corpes and bodies fell down from the top in the inside .
Some contractors went dead, lost and possesed ?
I doubt it's anything to do with ghosts. I used to live next to a cemetary and nothing happened. (Well.. A few things happened but ah well.. Can't blame ghosts for everything, eh? :cool:) I'm sure if anything weird happened, it would be big news by now! I think the station is just under-utilized for now, so it isn't opened yet, which is why trains are programmed to skip the station and stop at the next instead.
I heard that while the contractors were digging the holes for the railway track underground , many bones and corpes and bodies fell down from the top in the inside .
Some contractors went dead, lost and possesed ?

That is the most amazing thing i've ever heard.Super natural takes over common sense.
Just because it's built on a burial site, doesn't mean its haunted.

believe it or not... its 'hard' there... lol

there used to be a mosque at bidadari, a frd of mine stayed there as a caretaker. lots of stories abt the 'disruptions' in the building of the station.

i grew up ard tat area, playing hide n seek, cycling etc wif buddies in the cemetery... scary mary but crazy experience. lol

i might be staying there when the hdb are ready.. the exchange bla bla project by the gahmen for my resident area

who wants to listen to the happenings there? :p
eh sommore ghost stories about that cemetery leh!

a pakcik i noe who is one of the members of the bidadari mosque told me tis...

after evening the contrators send in tons of big big cubed shape stones for the construction of the woodleigh station... its impossible to be carried by man...

the next day... it vanished. just like tat
EugeneSmasher: I doubt they will like announce via the news that whatever thing vanished in the woodleigh mrt...

i wondering why nobody mentioned bishan.... that's a better place to talk about this topic...
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