All originals rock group looking for a drummer


New member
If you are a drummer and have a passion to join an all originals rock band that is making some serious music and having a great time doing so, we need you. Nothing fancy. Keep a simple 4/4 groove and great feel.

And to avoid the usual round of questions about the band:

Who --- singer, songwriter and guitarist Sridhar ( and international rock n' roll producer Arun Shenoy (

Race (does it matter ???.. if it does, don't bother) - Indian

Kind of music -- modern/alt rock. Some of the influences are Alice in Chains, Tool, Guns and Roses, etc etc. Strong focus on vocal melodies and harmonies rather than long drawn guitar solos.

Age group -- 20-30

Availability -- All working people so weekends would be great for practice.

Oh and if you have a drum portfolio, we are even more interested. Drop us a note. or SMS to 9029 8716