A good beginner's electric guitar and amp.

Hello guys, can anyone recommend me a good electric guitar and amp for beginner? What are the things to look out for when buying an electric guitar? Any other items that I need to get like padels and stuff? I just missed the Swee Lee's year end sales last month. :( Any place with good offers and servicing?

Appreciate the help, thanks :D
personally, a peavy rage 158 is a good beginner amp, cuz its loud and has enough drive onboard for punk songs, which are easier to play.. good electric guitar??? depends on your playing preference.. mayb u can add me on msn and we can talk more about it!!!


ps. dont get pissed if i give wrong info, i'm pretty noob also..
yamaha pac012, if not even better 112. i bought that when i was new to guitar, even till now i find the neck suit me the best, not too wide, not too thick, IMHO. Also the construction and qc on the guitar for mine case is rather good
I empathise with how you are feeling; you are shelling out precious dough to purchase a guitar, of course you are careful and concerned about getting the best possible axe!

How about narrowing down your choices to a few models?
u noe wats the next best thing to spending your money on gear?

Ans:Spending other's money on gear for them.

Tell us more about your budget and needs e.g. trem,frets,weight,shape,pickup types
haha had the same dilema as u last time...narrowed my choice down to the sa260 and nothin's gon change my mind now!! (thou i havent got it yet)
maybe can consider marshall CDR or a Vox pathfinder.

also perhaps you would like to look out for 2nd hand stuff at luther classifieds. i always think it's great getting 2nd hand stuff especially when just start out. so when you finally realize what you want, then giving up this set of equipment won't be so heart pain. :)
Line 6 Spider II is also not bad.. but i agree that you should get second hand stuff.. but always bring an experienced guitarist with you first to ensure that the stuff u get is not spoilt or defected in any way..
Thanks guys for being so understanding. Yes, it is difficult to digest when I look at the rows and shelves of guitars...simply lost. Can anyone care to shed some light on trem,frets,weight,shape,pickup types? I am total dummy for this arena

My budget is under $300 for guitar and under $200 for amp. I have no preference for brands actually, as long as it is something that sounds reasonably good, affordable and good value for money. Maybe you guys can help me by recommending a few models and I pop by some of the shop to try them out..

Thanks guys. :D
Thanks ShredCow and bling. I am still reading up on the stuffs...quite a lot to digest for a layman like myself especially things like the types pickups, body, amps and etc.

Its like when you want to buy a new car, every brand will boost to you about their own product. Unless you have driven for many years, you won't know exactly what to look out for even when the salesman gives you all the finer details. 8O