12 KORG Tritons on Yanni Live !!!


I was surprised to see atleast 12 KORG Tritons on Yanni's Live in Concert... 8O


BTW, See his Saxophonist and Key's player (Japanese ?) Another Show Piece from Yanni...

Way back years ago., I watched Yanni Live in front of Tajmahal in India...I always like his style...A great musician by ear...(I heard !)
yeah.. he needs so many cos he's too lazy to switch patches between songs i bet.

live at acropolis he had 6 trinity keyboards man
But on this video, he seldom plays...His keyboardist does all...but he has excellent artists in his group..!! :lol:
maybe Yanni is only the composer ?
likewise, Jean Michel Jarre can hardly play the keyboards.
No..No..Yanni really plays well. I have seen it live in the Tajmahal Concert in India...(Had a VIP Pass)

His Keys man is Ming Freeman (ABC) of Taiwan Origin..and his violinist is Karen Briggs ! and the vocalist Vann Johnson....What a class team was it !! in the "Tribute concert" in India and Forbidden City..
wow! Joel68 is a high profile musician's music engineer
as well as a high profile music audience.

hats down to you!
wow! Joel68 is a high profile musician's music engineer
as well as a high profile music audience.

Bongman !!! Wrong statement again...

I got a VIP pass as my uncle was a top government official at Delhi that time. He gave the passes to me as he knew that I was much in to music... :D

You know it is very difficult to get that previlege for watching Yanni's concert sitting in the first row. I could not forget those moments... :)

our friend is a VVIP ?!

high profile job !
high profile music engineer !
high profile VIP pass audience !
and relative of a high profile India official.

I'm proud to know a high profile human race!

here we go again... OT (out of thread)
Ofcourse Bongman !

I am not making a living by Music You know !! I keep it as a hobby for my own satisfaction... :D

Back to topic.,

Ming Freeman plays the Tritons on the video where Yanni seldom touches it !! 8O
but lately not much news from Yani
I remember last heard news from him,
he was caught for some minor offence in US west coast.

superstar musician still human afterall
The last album of Yanni is "Ethnicity" which was launched in 2003. After that he went on US tour in 2006 which came on a DVD as The Concert Event late in 2006.

Yet to release a new album... :)
Yanni is one of those talented musicians who truly displays that music knows no boundaries when it comes to expressing it. If my memory had not failed me, I have read years ago that he knows nothing about music notation and actually has someone to do that for him.

Anyway, here's another talented one - Rick Wakeman

I guess when you have two hands playing in live setting and wished that you had a third hand to switch sounds fast enough, having more kybds is the next best option.