Why not Promote Indonesian Music Stuff?

Tyo has been out from Dewa though no press release from them. the replacement rite now name agung. Dewa about to release the new album. My friend is the mastering engineer.
i believe someone here has relations with rhido as well.. hey btw does rhido play lead/ rhythm guitar in slank? i've heard he's a proficient blues player but i've barely seen him play lead in the live performances of slank..
dashyat bro pongki gitarnyaaa :D ngomong2 guys, buat yang di singapur usul ni, kapan2 yuk buat gathering n ngumpul2 jadi bisa saling cerita2, tuker pikiran, n mungkin jamming bareng gt :p kan buat kita2 especially gw yang masi amatiran bisa belajar banyak dari yang dah berpengalaman ;) , ato uda pernah n gw kelewatan ya ? kalo uda, berarti ya adain lagi :D hehehe
KAPAN MAN ? KAPAN ??? gw gak sabaran neh gathering musisi2 indo di singapur ... who knows we can team up and make a great scene in this country ? hahahaha
tuh kita uda buat gathering..

wow ada si pongki jikustik.. gak sangka gw.. ternyata ada jg anak band maen internet.. LOL!..