Where can I get Technics keyboards?


New member
Hi guys

Just wondering, is there any dealers that sell Technics Keyboards in Singapore? I couldn't seem to find any =(

Gosh, desperately looking for them, but still haven't decided which model to get, KN2600 or KN2400? Suggestions are welcome! But most important, WHERE CAN I BUY THEM IN SINGAPORE? =p

Please give me some input, guys. Thanks a lot
Thanks for the suggestion


Thanks for the suggestion. Anyway, I think Technics is still selling in other countries, like Malaysia and Indonesia, but why not Singapore? =s

The KORG looks nice, but how about the price? Any idea where I can find it in Singapore?

Thanks for the input, guys.

Hmm.... the prize is quite high :(
Last time I used to have Technics KN1500, and I like it.
For me it is already more than enough, cause I'm not music expert. I think last time, it cost slightly less than S$1K (converted, bought it in Indonesia). Therefore I am expecting something between S$0.5 - S$1K.

Anyway, I am going to call them, see what they have. Thanks again