WARNING: Extremely negative experience with Slingbass

The way u type "just think before you type' sounds very egocentric, i am sure so far no one has posted childish remarks. And i am in no way or form saying that TS is 'trying to slam slingbass' i have respect for TS as well,but besides providing details and good and clear english, i still think Slingbass need to come here and show his side of explaination. There's nothing wrong with that right? and i am not a policeman.

I am not related to TS or Slingbass.

Mr. Potatoe

In due respect Mr Tiger i am not in anyway refering to you. In fact i see your posts as one of the most sensible few here. Please do not take this personally. If you want to know, im talking about the post above my. Cheers.
Thanks for keeping this thread civil so far (as I have tried to)

To those who think it's not appropriate to discuss unpleasant experiences with other forum members, I respectfully disagree with you. I believe SOFT is a community, and like any other community, it tends to flourish when we look out for each other and languish when we become selfish and egocentric. If you're not interested in this information, please move along, there are many other threads which you would be able to contribute better to and also find more interesting. Likewise, there certainly seem to be people who would appreciate this information. I for one would have been happy if I had known about this in advance. I'm not in any way saying nobody should disagree with the contents of this post. But if you wish to disagree, please try and do so in a mature way that allows us to discuss the matter.

To those who say this is off-topic, again, I respectfully disagree. This is a section for looking for band members. Part of the search involves eliminating people who you would likely not work well with. That's the purpose of my thread, and I’d say in that respect, it's squarely on-topic. Nothing in the title of the posts suggests it is anything other than what it claims to be, i.e. a warning about an unpleasant experience with a person I met through this forum. If the title of a post doesn't interest you, you could save yourself a lot of effort by not clicking into it.

With respect to there being two sides to every story, there always are, and on a subjective basis, people may never agree. I've tried to put across my experience in the most objective way possible. You can believe me or you can not, what you do with the information is your call. Slingbass has a more than ample opportunity to post his side of the story, if he wishes to. I put it that not once, but twice (at least, to my knowledge), he has elected to do the opposite, and post his side of the story to the remaining band members without allowing the people he unilaterally "fired" to give their own account of the events, or even of their position on whether or why they were leaving the band. I'd say he's definitely been given a fairer deal that what he prefers to dish out.
Well. That's a week, then :)

Assuming Slingbass decides to come back on the forum and look for people under a different persona, I would strongly advise that in the event that you meet a middle-aged Australian with an obsession with Music Man Stingrays, particularly vintage or the new reissue, you do your due diligence before investing too much time and effort in the project.

Good luck SOFTies!
Maybe, just maybe, he's in Australia or somewhere that couldn't allow him to log into the internet for a week? I'm just saying. In no way affiliated with TS or Slingbass.
I couldn't edit my post, sorry. Ummm...although I do feel that the TS shouldn't post his stories in all of Slingbass' topic. Just making this topic is sufficient enough, I feel. Just let them experience themselves rather than to tell them in all of his topics. One topic explaining the situation seems sensible but to spam at all 3 of Slingbass' topics? Isn't that a bit overdoing? It's just me though.

It's like you eat at a chicken rice store, and you got diarrhoea (Queen's English). Then another guy eat at his stall, also get diarrhoea. But before that, he has other branches set up. Then for each of his branch, you stand outside the stall with a sign "Do not eat here, diarrhoea induced food!". That's a bit...mean, don't you think? Let the customers eat find out for themselves. But yes, do warn the customers via...maybe articles or reporting to newspaper about "diarrhoea induced chicken rice" but don't paste the sign all over the shops.

Also, you claim that someone else experienced the same as you. Is this other guitarist who went on a holiday from SOFT too? It'd really help if he could also provide his share of the story. Of course you guys can be working as a group to defame Slingbass, but it's better to have another alibi too.

The other 2 members who told you about this story, the guitarist and the vocalist, probably didn't really want to show themselves to avoid further confrontation. Which is perfectly normal.

It's cool to warn and talk about bad experiences, really. I wanted to buy a new guitar at the Maestro shop with a friend, but the service was so bad. However, 2 years ago in this same shop, another guy wearing a cap, he was probably one of the best salesman. Demo the guitar, allowed me to try it out and was patient with me (it was my first guitar). But the new guys at the store just don't bother when my friends and I walked in. The people at Music Theme was friendly. Guy walked over to us and asked if we needed help, so were the people at TYMC. That's where I usually get my stuff. Swee Lee is moderate. Yamaha is okayish. It's perfectly fine to warn.

But don't overdo it. You know? It ain't cool man. Over and out.
Hi Ray,

Point taken about multiple posts. In retrospect, I do agree it was overkill, one post would have sufficed.

With regards the other band members voicing out their experience, I think you've hit the nail on the head about people wanting to avoid confrontation. Actually, there was only one person who I indicated had the same experience (the other guitarist). I'm not dragging him into this against his will. He's free to post if he thinks it would mean something... but I believe that's a decision for him to make.

As for Slingbass being away/not seeing the post. I highly doubt that. If you look at his profile, you'll see the last activity on SOFT dated 28-07-10 at 3:47 pm (as of now, anyway). It's definitely possible that he logged on and missed the post... but I highly doubt it.
Maybe he did log on and missed the post or forgot all about it. Or he just post the topics on recruiting instrumentalists and follow up via PM, maybe. I wouldn't know. So he did log on 2 days ago with an activity. Or that he thinks of your post as pointless as he did your presence thus casting you out of the band. We'll see. After all, it's his decision to make. Maybe silence is golden and he'd rather not argue about it or he felt that people would go against him seeing that he's not a local (most people would side their own kind than other kind, not meant to be racist or whatsoever but it's just a point to note).

For sure, I feel there's a reason he's not posting in this topic. I'm not sure what it is. But like some, I am curious to hear his side of the story. The world is but a contrast of gray or grey...however you want to spell it (someone correct my English, please).

Well, no worries, you've done your fair share of warning and it is up to the other SOFT-ies (as they're called?) to heed your warning or to dip themselves in the pool and check out the water temperature. Don't fret, you've done your job, it's up to them to listen. But kudos to you for bringing up this issue, and no-dos to you for the overkill. Thanks for agreeing with me though, you're a matured poster. =D
It's certainly *possible* that he missed the post or forgot all about it, or that he was only following up on PMs. I'm not ruling out the possibility... but I do personally lean towards the probability that that's not what happened.

I certainly agree with you that he thinks this post as pointless, as he must have my presence in the band. I would add that this is also wholly consistent with the aspect of his behaviour that I highlighted in my opening post... Whether one believes he was justified in doing so (twice...), particularly in the manner that he did (assuming you believe my version of the events), is for each individual to decide.

As for the race/nationality card, I think it would be unfortunate if that was ever an issue. I have played with locals, and with foreigners. At present, I play in a group that is a mix of both, and I honestly don't feel that one is better than the other. We're all human beings, and should be treated equally, no? I seriously hope that whatever the outcome of this thread, it never becomes a reason for people to simply take sides "against the foreigner".

And thank you and all other posters for continuing to keep this thread civil, whistleblowing is certainly a topic that many people feel strongly about (on both sides!)
To Badger: THE END! =D

To TS: Yeah, I agree with you. A lot of respect for people who give sensible post rather than "NPNT" kind of claims. But realistically speaking...drifting out of topic here, yes? Ummm...people are more incline to side their own countrymen than an 'outsider'. He has been, technically, identified as a foreigner so there's very little pressure into making one think "Oh shit, if I go against him, then his whole countrymen will go against me".

Kudos to you for not ruling out possibilities and being very respectful in your post. You sir, have my respect.