The Loudest Band - A Commentary


New member
Now that the results have been announced, the folks at Heavy Metal Tribune are glad to present you with our commentary. Once again, congratulations to Instrukental!

Read it here:

Bands take note though, don't take any criticisms too personally, these are just what we saw and heard that were not captured in the videos.

Thanks to James for letting us sit in on the competition throughout the 2 days to watch and interview the bands!
..& that is how a review should be written.

Well-written Optibrutha&HMT! Personal yet objective..perfect!

Again, kudos to all the bands& y'all can only get better from here ( Green Monster& Ill Sound - keep your stuff coming bruthas!! )
..& that is how a review should be written.

Well-written Optibrutha&HMT! Personal yet objective..perfect!

Again, kudos to all the bands& y'all can only get better from here ( Green Monster& Ill Sound - keep your stuff coming bruthas!! )

haha we didnt publish this initially for fear that it will affect the votes, and how people might react against us. this is just a compilation of the few of us (the HMT crew: JJ, Ling, Cynthia, Clarence, & myself + new crew Julius) who were present to see what really goes on behind the scenes :)

and we saw the wonders of how a good person behind the mixing table (James) can make a band sound vastly different (in a good way of course) from what they sound like "live". He's the perfectionist! lol
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we thank you for your honest opinion on our band (GREEN MONSTER)
and thanks for making us feel welcome when were there
cheers guys
green monster..watched your video and all i gotta say is....real groovy stoner stuff guys..keep on rocking!
Yea Green Monster was really different from the usual bands that played, really enjoyed your music.