

New member
Which straps to buy? The strap my guitar came with does not match.... Its the dark blue ibanez one i think....

Anyway i searched the net and see a couple that i like... brands like Planet Waves, Dickies and Fender...

I really like the Fender ones that say fender fender fender all over the strap....

Are these straps recommended? Or shd i get better ones... I want both comfort and quality.... but i dun do any gigging so just standing up for maybe an hour at max....

Thanks! oh yeah and where can i get fender straps besides swee lee?
MOODY STRAPS are the way to go... i bought one for my brother's bass. and its NICE and SOFT and looks unbreakble.
leather straps with straps locks last a long time and once seasoned feel very comfortable
using a straplok means ur strap wun drop off but a normal strap is good enuf. it wun drop that easily unless u do sumthing stupid.
stupidity has many definitions, such as jumping with a LP. HA HA.

but i recommend the use of straplocks, no matter which kind, better be safe than sorry.
my take:

*choose any straps you like (i recommend something comfy, regardless of the brand name)

*lock it with Ergo Lok (see pic)

i use ergo lock. it's ok i guess, just sometimes it gets annoying and pops out while you're trying to lock the strap in.
hmm, speaking of the ergo lock, it sadly doesn't fit my grg270 ><. the strap button bigger than the hole. or maybe i just don't know how to fix it?

all i've heard of are dimarzio and schaller locking systems ... but any idea how much they cost? haha, if it's too ex then might as well forget it ...