Senar percuma


temen2 skalian, ini ada senar percuma untok dicoba, kalian bisa PM gue alamat, ongkos ngeposnya gue yang tanggung... hebat nggak? :) (maaf ya, terhad 3 sahaja buat kali ini)

First come, first served (tell me which brand you wanna try)
1. D'Addario .009 set

2. Tonedrive .009 set

3. SIT .009 set
senar "percuma"?? senar "gratis" kali..heehee

di dalem kamus indo-inggris artinya percuma tuh "without result,wasted"
yg bener tuh "geratis"=FREE
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he he to me, gratis is more associated with satisfaction & more associated with that feeling after people copulate- so in disgust with the association, i reverted to that word. but more importantly, all the strings have been snapped up :cool:
eh bangSolo.. di spore dah lama? indonya dr mana?? sering pulang ke indo ga? mau nitip super mie,mie sedap ama indomie 3 dus nich..hahaha
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