Need help on Guitar pickup and ds/od

The ME-50 sounds so good when played alone in a bedroom. It also functions quite like stomp boxes. At first, I thought it was based on the same circuits as the original Boss pedals too.
most of the good reviews in HC or other forums of the ME-50 distortions have it in front of a nice tube amp. I think that's where the ME-50's design really shines.. as a simple easy to use multi-efx stomp box simulator in front of a solid tube amp.

If no solid amp then better to get GT-6 or GT-8 imho. :lol:

Excalibur: hope i can be of some help.

1. If you boosting your treble/mids and cutting the bass "brings out the dist" - i think what you were trying to do is get more clarity on the distortion but because the bass was cut, you lost "depth" which means the distorted tone is not "full" sounding... is that what you are trying to say?

2. anyway bring your guitar down to maybe guitar77 and try out the sansamp GT2 to see if you can get the tone you want. i tried that pedal, i didnt buy it but i thot it had a good dist tone with humbucker for metal music.
What's your backing? a CD? or a band? or alone?

My backing is a band. Btw, I checked out the MI Audio Overdrive you're using on the net. Looks pretty expensive. Is it available on the local market? If yes, I could give it a try at the store.
Thanks for the help guys

Hey thanks a lot for the help guys. Haha, i was away for just a few days and its loaded with so much advice. Anyway, after my performance yesterday. yea, i do agree that the ME-50 needs a good amp. They had really good sound systems yesterday, and i was happy with the sound (after paying 4.5k, of cause you get good sound systems). Don't ask me about the technical details, i'm not really good at that. Haha.

Joshuak, I thought of 2 alternatives to compliment the ME-50
1. Get a Sansamp Tri-AC to backup the od/ds of the ME-50
2. Get stompboxes

I'll most probably source for stompboxes though.