Looking For Portable Keyboard Recommendations


New member
Hi, I'm Jo. I came from Indonesia and I am currently studying in Singapore right now.
I have a piano at home, and I miss playing it a lot so I've decided to buy a keyboard.
The thing is, I have very limited space (I am currently only renting a room) so I am looking for a very portable keyboard.
It does not have to be very high quality, what I am looking for is something to practice with (so it just have to have correct pitch, aside from being portable!).
I was interested in those roll-up keyboards that you can connect to your computer with USB plug, but apparently they don't sell these types in Singapore. Alright, actually there was one, but it is more like a toy piano and it is not sufficient. :(
I would prefer not to buy online because it is an electronic device.
So... Can anyone please suggest to me any portable keyboards? They don't have to be able to play numerous other instrument sounds as I am mainly a piano player. Basically I am just looking for a substitute for a piano that is portable/takes very little space (and possibly have a lower price range, because it's not a full piano).

Sorry for such a long post! Thanks!
If you have been playing Piano you are not going to like the extremely soft (can't feel weighted hammer) key of Keyboard. Touch sensitive is not the same as Hammer weighted key. Also keyboard does not sound right for grand piano sound even though keyboard has so called grand piano sound. After a while you will probably give up using to play Piano Song just does not feel right and sound right. I suggest you look for those smaller digital piano such as Yamaha/Casio/Roland. There are second hand digital piano (NP31/P85/P95) that is quite small enough to put beside bed and does not occupy much space. There is one that sits in-between a Digital Piano and Keyboard (Yamaha Portable Grand DGX 630 and 640) which has rythmn and simple sound arranggement. But it is not really portable (it is much larger than the NP31/P85/P95). Go to Yamaha Music store to test these out or go Courts to test out Casio keyboard and digital piano and look at the physical size since you have constrain on the size.
Forgot to add: luthermusic (located in Excelsior shopping centre) is a one place retail that carries various brand if keyboard/piano that you see all the brands in one place. I did not buy my stuff from there though as I only came across its youtube review on the PSR433 after I bought my stuff
Jaoru, if u happen to be at luthermusic, see if u can get advice fr Luther himself...a very friendly & humble person.