Let's share guitar techniques!


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Let's contribute to the knowledge base of "guitar tricks" here!!

Pls share any tricks or interesting techniques so all of us can benefit and experiment!

Lets get the ball rolling...

I got this off one of Satch-man's interviews (and it works cool):

"Mega dive-bomb" (sorry, i give it a cheesy name)

Pump up the gain so the harmonics come out clear and sharp,
Play the harmonic note on the G string at the highest position (somewhere between your 2 pickups depending on intonation),
quickly depress whammy bar (keep tension though),
then slowly bring it up and up and up....

You can get a ripping 2.5 or even 3 octaves on this!!

Try it out, its cool.
hehe.... lots of gain and with ur amps near u... and with some reverb.. it helps sustain too... keke... but too much will kill ur ears though...

if u are playing at low volumes.. just stand in front of ur amp with ur pickups facing ur speakers or monitor speakers on stage.. keke
Here's one for the rhythmers out there:

you don't have to strum a full chord for rhythm. Just select 3 notes or even diads. ensure one or two fingers are free, and use those to do little hammer on/pull offs to create rhythmic variance. Also remember the same chord is repeated elsewhere on the neck, so when your left hand starts getting tired, just switch to alternate fingerings to break the monotony.
ok, heres a simple one to get 3 different tone out of a distortion pedal, clean/overdrive/distortion and just a guitar

Depending on individual, this can be done using either the bridge pickup or neck pickup.

With the distortion pedal/drive, distortion from amp, turn the volume knob on the guitar, it should clean up to get a slight overdrive drive tone or even a clean tone that has some dirt when dig hard into it. When turning the vol all the way up, it can act as a volume boost for solo etc.

Just remember to turn up the volume on the guitar knob when going into clean tone, if not the volume will be too soft...

On the creating feedback, used a hollow or semihollow electric guitar, it will guarantee to have feedback much more easily..
ok, another one, more on the amp thou. But will give a interesting sound... But try it at your own risk, i shall not be held responsible if anything happen to the amp....

With a tube combo amp having a reverb tank, while playing a real blistering heart wrenching solo, kick the amp at the side(becareful thou, might spoilt your precious tube amp :lol: ). Haha, another guarantee to make people watching you go crazy and you getting a springing echo-ish sound thru the amp.....

danelectro actually got a reverb pedal with a button for stepping to simulate this kicking sound, kind of interesting
hifi_killer said:
any1 know how to create feedback?

Oh man...there are so many ways

1) erm...High gain is one, get some sustain or compression, it helps.

2) Face your amps...(amps on HIGH)

3) Play anything, or just let ur strings go.

You can experiment and control your feedback by muting some strings, playing with your tremelo, bending your neck, smacking your bridge or guitar, moving to and away from the amps, angling your guitar from the amps. play with your volume knob too. All will get some effects depending on what type of feedback you want.
44ofjuly said:
ok, heres a simple one to get 3 different tone out of a distortion pedal, clean/overdrive/distortion and just a guitar

Depending on individual, this can be done using either the bridge pickup or neck pickup.

With the distortion pedal/drive, distortion from amp, turn the volume knob on the guitar, it should clean up to get a slight overdrive drive tone or even a clean tone that has some dirt when dig hard into it. When turning the vol all the way up, it can act as a volume boost for solo etc.

Yeah, alot of old school rockers use this technique, very very cool. Amps on overdrive, but use the guitar volume knob to control the sound. Its like a OD pedal built in!
hi-fi killer... no specifics here but i'll put down my setup here which gives pretty controllable feedback.

Fender Mexican Richie Sambora -> SD1 -> BD2 -> CH1 -> any amp

SD1-Boss Super Overdrive
BD2-Boss Blues Driver
CH1-Boss Super Chorus

Basically I switch to the Dimarzio PAF Pro pickup and turn on all pedals. You can control the feedback by moving towards/away from the amp, playing around with your whammy bar, toying with the controls on your CH1, or fiddling with the guitar volume knob.

So far, I've noticed that Chorus sounds give pretty sweet sounding feedback: 1st, because of the way Chorus Pedals are (they're extremely short echoes so to speak); 2nd, because they cut a bit of the highs away when you feedback so it isn't so shrill. The feedback you'll get is not a pure sustaining note but rather a somewhat "flanging" feedback.

My setup is mainly for J-Rock stuff... BD2 for rhythm, CH1 and SD1 together for a boost effect when soloing. You can mod the idea to suit your own needs. TS9/808 are good pedals to overdrive your amp into getting feedback as well :)
another one, more on effect tweaking to get some out of the norm sound/noise for adding on to the usual guitar sound...

Line 6 delay modeller, using the few tape echo, tube echo, multi head, analog, analog with mod, sweep echo setting on the pedal itself, set the repeats to max, tweak to individual taste, tweez to individual taste, mix to half or less and manipulate the delay knob when a note is strike, sit back, relax and enjoy the weird electronic sounding pulse, bomb exploding, beeping, spring unwind type of sound etc. Plenty of fun :D
For more sound differences, play with the tweak, tweez knob and repeat knobs also, but be very careful bout the sudden vol increase when the oscillation goes over the top, might cause damage to the speaker or the amp....
heres one which make the strumming on the electric sounds like having a wah wah effect, without using a wah pedal.

Strum in the area between the end of the fretboard and the neck pickup, best with tele or strat. Play a funk melody with emphasis on the muting of strings using the fleshy part of the hand(like palm muting style). On some occasion, it sounds to me having a wah like effect on the tone.

Another one, lotsa player also use it. Volume swell, with the volume knob on the guitar. Add a little reverb, delay for some nice touch to it. Volume knob turn all the way down, tap a knob on the guitar and trun up the volume knob, do it fast enough, it sounds really nice
44ofjuly said:
heres one which make the strumming on the electric sounds like having a wah wah effect, without using a wah pedal.

Strum in the area between the end of the fretboard and the neck pickup, best with tele or strat. Play a funk melody with emphasis on the muting of strings using the fleshy part of the hand(like palm muting style). On some occasion, it sounds to me having a wah like effect on the tone.

Another one, lotsa player also use it. Volume swell, with the volume knob on the guitar. Add a little reverb, delay for some nice touch to it. Volume knob turn all the way down, tap a knob on the guitar and trun up the volume knob, do it fast enough, it sounds really nice

yeh.. u can use the tone knob too to create a false wah effect by plucking or strumming n using ur pinkie to rotate the tone knob.. in anyway, wah revolves around tone..

another trick probably everyone know.. the tom morello trick when using humbuckers guitars.. turn one vol knob to full n one to nil.. n then play something n tweek back n forth w your pickup selector.. u'll get this tremolo like sound depending on the speed of ur tweeking.. u can also achieve DJ scratching sound with the same technique but now scratch the strings w ur picking hand n tweek the pickup switch w ur fretting hand..
Very cool techniques!

Ok, here's another contribution, again, taken from Vai

Devastating Dive (Sorry...another corny name by me)

Depress you tremelo till the strings are slack against the guitar (When I say, slack, I am SLACK....strings have NO tension)

Shake your guitar around.... try to pump some gain...or dist...even reverb...play around

You will get a "broken piano" sound....strings....warbling...etc

Slow release the tremelo and hear your guitar roar back to life!!

**PS** Not for weak hearted and those who like to "sayang" your guitar
another one, with delay and guitar. To create some quiet, dreamy, chaotic moment of sound

Only with delay that can go into oscillation, set to taste the delay rate and feedback, play some chords, melody on the guitar, with the delay sounding out thru the amp, turn up the feedback knob on the delay pedal and let the sound get crazy, play with the rate knob to adjust the delay speed, when it get over the top, turn down the feedback and delay rate. Play some melody on the guitar again or using open string harmonic across the fretboard for some melody, and when ready, repeat the delay pedal knobs tweaking, act in other effect pedals for crazy sound, experimental tune or noise. Its all up to the player.