Help with beginner keyboard purchase.


New member
Hi everybody, my gf is thinking of buying a beginning keyboard to play around with. Her budget is around $400 - $500.

Main aim is just to play at my place, as her piano is too big to lug around. hehehe.

Given the chance, i would want to fiddle with the keyboard and try to create some pseudo trance tracks as well.

Anyone has good recommendations? She insists on having a keyboard with touch sensitivity though.

I don't know much about keyboards.

Was surfing through luthermusic and seems like the Yamaha PSR 275 is quite a good buy.

Any comments?

go thru the keyboard ads,
someone was selling a Yamaha Cs1x
for $400 maybe three weeks ago?

Cs1x released 6 years ago,
meant for dance/trance music.

I think the seller is MikeChan_